The fact the plane has not appeared on radar when it neared land gives me cause for concern.
The latest rise in teenage pregnancy rates is cause for concern.
The monarchies of Jordan, Morocco, and the Gulf states also have cause for concern.
He told "Face the Nation" that Geithner's handling of the AIG case is a cause for concern.
All added sugars, they say, including those from sugar cane and beets, are cause for concern.
Handing over another big dollop of state aid will give Ms Kroes even greater cause for concern.
But the fact [the plane] has not appeared on radar when it neared land gives me cause for concern.
As a guideline, if you answer yes to 15 or more of these questions, there may be cause for concern.
While the report's existence owes much to that Washington ice cream cone, there is cause for concern.
The melamine found in U.S.-made products 'is no cause for concern' from a health standpoint, Sundloff said.
Then, she chewed the windowsill. This was actually attached to our rented apartment, so it was cause for concern.
There are few countries in the world where double-digit rates of GDP growth would qualify as a cause for concern.
These values are a cause for concern and determining the biology behind this is the first step to remedy the trend.
The second cause for concern surrounds Goldman's finely balanced (or horribly compromised: take your pick) business model.
第二个引起关注高盛原因是它相当平衡的(或者说是相当糟糕的 随便你选)企业模型。
That's smaller than the increased risk associated with depressed moms, but it's still cause for concern, researchers say.
At some companies, negative comments on performance reviews are uncommon, so anything that's not glowing is cause for concern.
Another cause for concern is that Russia's growth has in some ways come despite, rather than because of, Mr Putin's policies.
The tainting of information, and the use of CGI: : Carp, are both low-level issues and that can still be a cause for concern.
All this suggests there is little to get in a lather about. Inflation is always a cause for concern. But, today, not for panic.
Italy, considered too big to bail out, has replaced Greece as the main cause for concern in the euro zone's sovereign debt crisis.
This is why the presence of an H5 or H7 virus in poultry is always cause for concern, even when the initial signs of infection are mild.
这就是为什么如果家禽中出现H 5或H7型病毒,始终令人担忧,即使最初的感染迹象很轻微。
The delays in the disposal of Japanese ACWs have become a serious cause for concern and regret in the implementation of the Convention.
Recent food scandals involving dyed steamed buns and lean meat powder have given Chinese shoppers more cause for concern at the supermarket.
How this relationship evolves during a period when the balance of power between them is shifting so rapidly is inevitably a cause for concern.
WHEN pundits worry about the distorting effects of cheap money on asset prices, they invariably single out the carry trade as a cause for concern.
If it had been seen as the experimental vehicle it actually is, that would not have been a particular cause for concern; test pilots are killed all the time.
Another cause for concern is that firms such as Facebook and Apple are hoarding customer data, thereby making them inaccessible to Google's search engine.
Another cause for concern is that firms such as Facebook and Apple are hoarding customer data, thereby making them inaccessible to Google's search engine.