However, listening to loud noise for a long time can make these cells work too hard and cause some of them to die.
If the numbers are small, but wa (waiting on I/O) is high (usually > then 30), this means there might be I/O problems on the system, which can cause the CPU not to work as hard as it could.
如果这些数字很小,但wa(等待I/O)很高(通常大于30),这意味着系统上存在 I/O问题,从而导致CPU不能到达其最佳工作状态。
Such records, however, have been kept only since Europeans arrived, so it has been hard to work out how active the faults that cause them are.
"Whether this is cause for hope that faculty are moving toward depositing more of their work, or just an indication of good intentions, is hard to tell," says the report.
Cloud computing, aka the "hard drive in the sky," is going to cause yet another major shift in the way we work and live.
Originally we thought that race conditions would be the most important problem, because they can cause data corruption and they are especially hard to work backwards to find a root cause.
GC work in Metronome is time based, and any change to the hardware clock could cause hard-to-diagnose problems.
You and I can never succeed in life without discipline and hard work. Cause it takes work and sweat to succeed in your job and career, in school, in sport, in your marriage and family.
I wish you in the New Year: Kenneth legitimate cause, the body strong as tigers, numerous money number, work without hard, carefree like mice, like romantic music, happiness mo you belong to.
Tongren and dedicated people to work with the industry go hand in hand for the cause of China's animal husbandry work hard.
Great cause is rooted in the tenacity of the work, to the full spirit to engage in, not to avoid the hard.
To affirm the truth of causality, work hard on the cause, and life will be filled with hope and light.
Prof. Gray: Good, 'cause you are going to have to work incredible hard to turn this around, Justin.
If we want to cause them problems we have to play at a high pace and work hard when we lose the ball.
If we want to cause them problems we have to play at a high pace and work hard when we lose the ball.