If you are lucky maybe the invisible alligators will visit you tonight and cause trouble for you.
Ep687 - Jinsheng brings Wuji to negotiate with Yingming. They ask Yingming not to cause trouble for Ma Sha.
But it can sometimes also cause trouble for visitors who are only used to the customs and manners of their home country.
When the doctor gave Lisa ten months to live, the first thins she did was to set her affairs in order so as not to cause trouble for relatives.
The oil crash is likely to cause trouble for some small and regional Banks in Texas, North Dakota and other regions that rely on the energy industry.
Do not avoid a MBT sandals, "Pei-ling on the big" way of thinking, is most likely to cause trouble for the deformation of the incentives of toe bone!
"In the spring, it's trees; the summer, grasses; and fall, weeds." Being stuck indoors all winter also may cause trouble for those allergic to dust and pet dander, he adds.
Those Numbers are big enough that foreign flight from the mortgage-backed market, if not countered by eager buying of other types of American assets, could cause trouble for the dollar.
The goal is to reduce the energy emitted to produce the lower frequency range that is useful for seismic, while decreasing the emission of frequencies said to cause trouble for Marine life.
Tutor a classmate who's having trouble, help clean up your neighborhood, participate in a walkathon for a good cause, or volunteer your time in some other way.
The reason for saving a big financial institution that gets into trouble is the economic havoc its failure can cause.
Others worry that America’s fiscal stimulus may cause trouble by inflating demand for commodities.
For older people who already have trouble sleeping, the researchers say that extra tossing and turning could be the cause.
For climate change, the trouble is that though few dispute that it is occurring, no one knows how severe it will be or what damage it will cause.
But stay at home! Why ask for trouble and cause your own downfall and that of Judah also?
You have indeed defeated Edom and now you are arrogant. Glory in your victory, but stay at home! Why ask for trouble and cause your own downfall and that of Judah also?
Charlemagne, our European column, on why plans for closer economic integration in the euro zone could cause trouble.
When he achieved enlightenment, he realized the trouble people cause themselves by killing animals for food. He told people to stop eating themselves into disaster, but nobody listened.
Swindle is just one of many Dcepticons brought to Earth by Megatron to cause as much trouble as possible for the Autobots.
If so, you will be interested in knowing that you were the procuring cause of all that trouble. For fear is merely creative thought in negative form.
The toilet is a good example of things that people take for granted which can cause a lot of trouble.
But there still exist many public places that the guide dog can not go into, which cause a big trouble for the blind.
Notwithstanding the tremendous benefits for humanity, it does not automatically mean that robots will not cause any trouble to society.
Although each is different in nature, it is entirely possible under certain circumstances for these people to coalesce into a destructive force which can cause us considerable trouble and losses.
Patience to endure the pain, only oneself feel than make a move, cause consequences, bring trouble is much better for family and friends.
Patience to endure the pain, only oneself feel than make a move, cause consequences, bring trouble is much better for family and friends.