If open Windows aren't enough, a ceiling light and plenty of lamps are just as good.
We created a membrane skin for the ceiling lights, so that the whole ceiling gives light.
The ceiling light is vintage and the floor lights are from a design shop in Seefeld (a quartier in the city).
The main products include LED fluorescent tubes, LED ceiling light and LED down lights, etc. , more than ten series and hundreds of varieties.
Professional manufacturing all kinds of LED ceiling light, bulb, lamp cup, spotlights, bean pot lamp, lamp, Star light (Wall), track lights, fluorescent and other energy efficient green products.
The key materials are: Black and white reconstituted stone, stretch ceiling light box, tinted laminated glass, rainbow tinted acrylic, composite aluminium panels and glass Reinforced Gypsum board.
She glanced round the room with its high ceiling and shadowy corners and dim fire-light.
Indoors, a bounce card like this has the added benefit of throwing light onto your subject from two directions, forward and bounced off the ceiling.
So, instead of a light bulb hanging from a ceiling, a OLED panel could form part of the ceiling or even a wall.
Once the phone itself was discovered - she had hidden it in a ceiling-light fixture - and confiscated, but she had somehow got access to another phone.
But if you aim for just the ceiling, you will, at best, just catch a light bulb.
Mr. Yim said his favorite room is the vast atrium where life-sized models of whales and dolphins are suspended from the ceiling, flooded in blue light.
The flash is aimed at the ceiling, wall or flash reflector, which disperses and softens the light, and bounces it back at the subject.
A darker floor with light walls and a lighter ceiling will make a room look taller and larger.
At some point during the session, the very bright, very hot overhead light above the couch Hillary and I were sitting on came loose from its tape on the ceiling and fell.
You can even Angle your flash up and behind you to fill a small to normal-size room up with beautiful light. Spin it around and up at about 45 degrees to hit the wall and ceiling behind you.
At night the indirect lighting reflected off the curved ceiling, which added light and made it comfortable to work at home.
A high ceiling and wall of Windows gives o 'neill's small space a light, airy feel.
The lattice work treads cast a fabulous light onto the wood floor from the roof light that sits in the ceiling above it.
His modest kitchen also contains a new rice cooker and a lone light-bulb hanging from the ceiling.
On the ceiling, a light fixture shattered in a shower of hot sparks, plunging much of the bar into darkness.
The office is wonderfully bright; thanks to a large window in the ceiling which casts natural light onto brilliant white walls.
But I can't flip them upside down so they can walk on the ceiling or prop them on my shoulders so they can see the moths flying inside of the light fixture2.
A ceiling fan can lower a room's temperature by several degrees. Even something as simple as switching to compact fluorescent light bulbs can make a big difference in electricity bills.
This further diffuses light, having been reflected up and down from the hard white ceiling above.
In the background, a glass box located the direction and business rooms and both have a translucent roof so they can also receive natural light from the ceiling during the day.
The ground floor space is dark and moody, with light coming from circular cuts in the concrete ceiling.
You spend half the night staring at the small blue light in the ceiling, or fumbling to find your ticket for inspection.
You spend half the night staring at the small blue light in the ceiling, or fumbling to find your ticket for inspection.