Everyone can not say the secret, mother's day, a lively celebration party, will be the heart of each other together.
At around 7:40am, Yang was ferried by a military helicopter to Beijing, where a gala celebration party will be held.
More than 100 guests attended the celebration party, including company President and general manager, Ganzhou wine industry leaders, Ganzhou leadership and red wine lovers.
Even parents who can see that a trip is little more than a party or celebration may well feel guilt that their child is left behind.
Mark Hill, from Bristol, commissioned Karen to film his uncle's 80th birthday party, as family flew in from around the world for the celebration.
The entire district around the Maritime Cultural and Popular Music Center, whether earth or water, is party to the celebration of popular music and performance and the land-ocean juncture.
Others like a more physical celebration, which was the case for Benedict Cumberbatch and Michael Fassbender when they were caught grooving the night away at the Golden Globes after party.
Cooperate with the Administration Department to arrange and organize the company and staff activities, such as the company's celebration, staff training, party and etc.
The Creator invites all in attendance to start the party, stating that the guest of honor has been crowned and this is a time of great celebration for the wonderful service that you have performed.
Suggesting the AIM church should also try to launch such programme. Instead of having party or celebration during Christmas, why not just asking everyone to participate in a more meaningful event.
A party is always in the making when you have the Celebration Cupcake Stand Kit on hand.
We observe today not a victory of party but a celebration of freedom, symbolizing an end as well as a beginning, signifying renewal as well as change.
The events that caused the 20 cases of "happy heart syndrome" include a birthday party, a wedding, a surprise farewell celebration, a favorite team winning a game, and the birth of a grandchild.
Xindanwei NOW! is an network party and celebration organized by Xindanwei and Shanghai eArts Festival special for the international and national speakers and special guests of Shanghai eArts festival.
Christmas is also a family celebration. As any members of the family as possible gather to eat, play party games and watch the special Christmas programmes on TV.
If you delayed having an engagement celebration until this point of the month, or delayed your anniversary party (or any other Patty for that matter) for now, you did everything right.
The guests were all for the birthday party of the son of a local guy and decided to go sightseeing taking a chartered coach after the celebration, but met with their tragic ends in the accident.
You might be going to a beautiful wedding celebration or to a graduation, anniversary, or birthday party.
Following the dinners, all guests are invited for an after party celebration and an opportunity to meet other diners.
A gathering can be just a small dinner party for friends. Or it may be a big celebration of a special occasion like a birthday or a wedding anniversary.
This is the best choice for the elite of society to organize small party such as engagement, even after the wedding celebration dinner.
Organize recreational activities at the regular intervals, such as: In the mid-autumn the heavy section above the gala party activity , 500 people including factory factory celebration is flexible.
These popular party chips are a staple at many backyard BBQs, but chances are, you've never noticed the hidden celebration scene concealed within the letters.
Phoebe smuggles guests out of Monica's boring party and into Chandler and Joey's raging celebration.
Phoebe smuggles guests out of Monica's boring party and into Chandler and Joey's raging celebration.