"They don't like to associate technology with food," said Nicholas Genovese, a visiting scholar in cancer cell biology.
Cytology The study of cells; cell biology.
This is the web page of Molecular Cell Biology.
This is the web page of Histochemistry and Cell Biology.
Bruce Lipton, an internationally recognised expert on cell biology.
Description: This is the website of the Centre for Stem Cell Biology.
Han Chongxu: Associate Professor, Doctor of cell biology, Master Tutor.
Is a new taxonomy of human disease based on molecular and cell biology needed?
Establishment of immortalized cell line is one of the hot and difficult subjects in cell biology.
To explore means of experimental teaching of cell biology and medical genetics in recent situation.
Objective to investigate the aging of vascular endothelial cells and its following changes in cell biology.
Results: We got significant improvement on laboratory teaching of foreign students in medical cell biology.
Objective: to sum up experience and methods of bilingual teaching of cell biology to medical undergraduates.
The field of stem-cell biology is clearly one where caution is advisable and ACT knows this better than most.
One of the most important issues in stem cell biology is understanding the mechanisms that regulate self-renewal .
In its announcement, Google tried to keep the tone light, noting that cell biology isn't "too popular in the summertime."
Master Degree or above in Cell Biology, Biochemistry, Immunology, Cancer Research or related fields; PhD is preferred.
American Society for cell biology (ASCB) provides for the exchange of scientific knowledge in the area of cell biology.
The structure and function of nuclear scaffold and chromosomal scaffold is an important research field of cell biology.
MicroRNAs are a new class of small, single-stranded RNA molecules which play an important regulatory role in cell biology.
The researchers will present their findings today (Dec. 12) at the American Society of Cell Biology 50th annual meeting in Philadelphia.
Speakers selected from submitted abstracts will fill out workshops on pharmacological approaches and the cell biology of HIV infection.
How these biological findings may inform regenerative medicine and stem-cell biology and therapeutics will be considered and discussed.
The finding was described by Dr. Elias Aizenman on Sunday at the annual meeting of the American Society of Cell Biology in Washington, DC.
美国科学家日前在华盛顿举行的全国细胞生物协会的年会上宣布了一项最新研究成果。 他们发现,长期暴露在充斥着杀菌剂的环境中,可能会使脑部神经系统的发育受到损害。
"They can make a big difference as to whether you get sick, or you don't get sick, " says Peter Parham, a professor of cell biology at Stanford.
In order to adapt the requirement of education development and education reform, multimedia-aided teaching was used in cell biology teaching.
Their research results were presented on December 14, 1999 at the 38th annual meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology in San Francisco.
Chemists sat Germany's Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology andGenetics found that the cheese is a lactose-free variety that was quick tomake.
德国普朗克分子细胞生物学与遗传学学院的化学家发现这块奶酪不含乳糖,而这种不含乳糖的奶酪可快速制成。 。
Chemists sat Germany's Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology andGenetics found that the cheese is a lactose-free variety that was quick tomake.
德国普朗克分子细胞生物学与遗传学学院的化学家发现这块奶酪不含乳糖,而这种不含乳糖的奶酪可快速制成。 。