In certain pseudounipolar neurons, the electrical impulse travels along an axon from the periphery to the cell body.
The cell body was from column to thin and flat form, cell gibbosity grew out o...
A nerve cell consists of a cell body and a projection called an axon that carries the nerve signal.
A flagellum is a long, slender projection from the cell body, whose function is to propel an organism.
Neurons sprout dendrites that transmit incoming electrochemical stimulation to the trunk-like cell body.
Neurons possess an innate tendency to extend branched projections from the cell body known as dendrites.
The neurons in Modha's model only have a soma — the cell body containing the cell nucleus — and simplified spikes.
Cajal examined nervous tissue from embryos, and noticed that the axon and dendrites grow out of the cell body of the neuron.
Skeletal muscle consists of thousands of muscle fibers, each controlled by one motor neuron whose cell body lies in the brain or spinal cord.
In front, the long thin cellular protrusion of the neuron extends, pauses, then drags the bulbous cell body behind it, then extends again, and so on.
R_(7a) approximate many features of R_(1-6) cells, which have a larger, cell body, rhabdomere and axon, terminate in the first optic neuropil (lamina).
Fat cells are few in number, the cell body is ovoid with lipid droplet, and show strong cytoplasmic staining for Sudan black b, the cell surface is smooth.
Corneal endothelial cells cultured with 10% taurine solution turned out to be undergrowth with small cell body on the 2nd day, and cell death had occurred.
NECL2 distributed in cell body and protuberance of primary culture neuron. The rat adrenal gland tumor cell line PC12 can be induced into neuronal differentiation.
The component of the extracellular matrix called the perineuronal net (PN), as its name implies, surrounds the cell body and proximal dendrites of selected cortical neurons.
The results showed these neurotoxins had a retrograde effect on the cell body through the peripheral process of ganglion cell, inducing different pathological changes in cell body.
This led Cajal to formulate the law of dynamic polarization, according to which information flows in one direction through a neuron, from the dendrites, through the cell body, to the axon.
From this description, it is clear that Dieters easily differentiated between the dendrites and the axon, but that he did not know if the axon arose from the cell body or from the dendritic tree.
The special character of these cells is the striking arrangement of their nerve filament [axon], which arises from the cell body but also very often from any thick, protoplasmic expansion [dendrite].
These tiny robots move from cell to cell in the patient's body, destroying the cancer cells.
The thyroid gland, one of these glands, affects the whole body and every cell function.
Feel happiness is filling every cell in your body and flowing with your blood to nourish your heart and brain.
The heart pumps blood through the arteries, capillaries and veins to provide oxygen and nutrients to every cell of the body.
The cells have the potential to become many of the different cell types found in the body, including nerve cells.
An expedition into the chaos of a cell's control center has returned with intriguing insights into a poorly understood process that shapes every cell in the body.
If you don't care what happens to humanity, then from humanity's perspective, you aren't a particularly good cell to have in this body.
Imagine if a cell in your body said, I just want to eat food and reproduce like crazy.
However, inactivity can result in a slow and weak heartbeat that does not sufficiently move the blood to provide oxygen for every cell in the body.
A conscious cell is aware of the whole body and realizes that the body matters more than any individual cell. The cells are there to serve the evolution of the body and mind, not merely themselves.
A conscious cell is aware of the whole body and realizes that the body matters more than any individual cell. The cells are there to serve the evolution of the body and mind, not merely themselves.