He recognized that Sanskrit, the language of India, was related very closely to Latin, Greek, and the Germanic and Celtic languages.
At that time the inhabitants of Britain spoke a Celtic language.
This word is descended from Gaulish, a Celtic language that is related to Welsh and Irish.
Besides, It makes use of a lot of place names of the Middle Ages and ancient Celtic language.
The speech of this region is heavily influenced by the Welsh language, which remained more widely spoken in modern times than the other Celtic languages.
威尔士语对这里的英语影响很深。 而且,威尔士语也是现代社会中使用最广泛的盖尔特语言了。
In the thirteenth century, French flourished as a literary language, and produced the Roman DE Fergus, the earliest piece of non-Celtic vernacular literature to survived from Scotland.
But this time, the English people did not allow their language to be swallowed up by a foreign language in the way their Celtic and early Anglo-Saxon ancestors had.
After the Germans invaded and ruled the local Celtic people, the local language mainly in Scotland, Wales, Cornwall and Ireland survives.
Language: English, Welsh (Celtic tongue) Celtic people Conquered by Rome though with difficulty.
Language: English, Welsh (Celtic tongue) Celtic people Conquered by Rome though with difficulty.