Not all the gains of the Celtic Tiger years were squandered.
But as one Irish economist notes, the Celtic Tiger had already vanished.
The economic boom that spawned the "Celtic Tiger" has transformed Ireland.
Despite the excesses of Ireland's time as a Celtic Tiger, the country has changed for the better.
The Celtic tiger roared ahead, but it paid too little attention to its gung-ho banks and asset markets.
A depressed and indebted country in the late 1980s suddenly became the bubbly Celtic Tiger of the 1990s.
This return of a problem the "Celtic tiger" once thought it had left behind is treated as a national tragedy.
Then came the miracle of the "Celtic Tiger", which briefly made Ireland the second-richest country in the European Union.
Then came the miracle of the “Celtic Tiger”, which briefly made Ireland the second-richest country in the European Union.
The generation that came of age in the Celtic Tiger years was the first that did not feel it had to move abroad to thrive.
Over the weekend, Ireland, the European Union and the International Monetary Fund hammered out an expensive bailout for the erstwhile Celtic Tiger.
The Celtic Tiger, among the eurozone's peripheral economies rescued to avoid the likelihood of defaulting on soaring debts, is seeing better-than-expected growth.
The term is modeled on Four Asian Tigers and Celtic Tiger , which were used to describe the economic boom periods in parts of East Asia and Ireland , respectively.
Nor is it surprising that many should now be fretting that the entire Celtic Tiger was an illusion-and that Ireland might be heading back to the gloom of the 1980s.
The Irish exchange has dropped by 46.1% as the Celtic tiger appears to have lost its roar. At the bottom of the list though is the Iceland All Share, which has lost 52.3% of its value.
当“凯尔特之虎”不再威猛,爱尔兰外汇指数下跌了46.1%.跌幅最大的是冰岛证券指数(Iceland All Share),蒸发值达到52.3%.
Some fear that the crash has shown the Celtic Tiger to have been a phantom, an illusionist’s trick that distracted Ireland from its underlying poverty with glitzy cars and big houses.
As Ireland grew richer, one form of exceptionalism-the fatalistic belief that Ireland was destined always to be western Europe's poor outpost-gave way to another: the myth of the Celtic Tiger.
It is easy now to dismiss the rise in living standards in the “Celtic Tiger” years as illusory, particularly as Ireland enjoyed house-price and credit booms that were big even by British standards.
(看图 1)现在,很容易把“凯尔特之虎”(注3)生活水准的上升打发成为经济泡沫年代的幻象,特别是爱尔兰所经历的房价上升及流通信用的膨胀,哪怕以英国的标准来讲都是庞大的。
It is easy now to dismiss the rise in living standards in the “Celtic Tiger” years as illusory, particularly as Ireland enjoyed house-price and credit booms that were big even by British standards.
(看图 1)现在,很容易把“凯尔特之虎”(注3)生活水准的上升打发成为经济泡沫年代的幻象,特别是爱尔兰所经历的房价上升及流通信用的膨胀,哪怕以英国的标准来讲都是庞大的。