The optimum moisture content is affected by cement content and EPS beads content.
The solution was increasing fly ash content and decreasing cement content largely.
When the cement content is 10%, the sand content is 50% reaching maximum strength.
At the same time, HPC can reduce the cement content per cube and use more mineral additives.
However, the lime can improve long-term strength of system no matter how much the cement content is.
The influence of cement content on the dynamic strength of LCES declines with increasing EPS content.
The experimental results are analyzed so that a more reasonable range of cement content can be determined.
In concrete design, there was an optimum cement content, in which the slag concrete had the best corrosion resistance.
The shear displacement increases with increasing normal stress and cement content at the same height in shear failure state.
The results show that cement content is the most influential factor of the early compressive strength and aging times have little influence.
The factor controlled the reservoir properties are the textures of the rocks such as grain size and sorting, cement content and dissolution.
For pumping concrete mixture the problem of reducing the cement content and keeping better workability was also solved by using optimum proportioning.
This manuscript studies elements such as content and quality of fly-ash, the cement content and aggregate's gradation influencing the material's strength.
The results show that, with the in- crease in CA cement content, the fluidity of MgO-based investment materials decreases and so does the initial setting time.
The isograms of the parameters help to find out the cement content and curing duration for the suitable synthetic ice according the requirement of the model test.
At the same strain level, the damping ratio of LCES is smaller than soft clay's, and it decreases to a quite low level with high cement content and low EPS content.
Oilfield is mined under the condition of function of edge-bottom water, when there is often crowded cement content, and through sealing borehole realize to seal high aquifer.
The experimental results indicate that the mixing with a certain amount of sand can significantly increase the strength of cement-soil under a certain cement content condition.
The results show that the electrical resistivity is of linear relationship with cement content and un confined compressive strength. It can be used to examine the quality of cement…
Second, permeability coefficient is smaller than that of original silt clay, when the cement content is 17%, permeability coefficient is 10 times less than that of original silt clay.
Pores are closely correlated with sandstone fabric, and are more easily generated in medium grained sandstone where feldspar content is high(>37%) and cement content is low(carbonate<50%).
孔隙与砂岩组构密切相关,孔隙更容易产生于长石含量高(>37% )、且胶结物含量低(碳酸盐<5 % )的中粒砂岩中。
The results show that the electrical resistivity is of linear relationship with cement content and un-confined compressive strength. It can be used to examine the quality of cement-soil piles.
In addition, this paper had also drawn the relationship between the cement content, the mixing amount of additive, test time and the compression, and that will be auxiliary for material design.
Mix the foam asphalt mixture on the condition of different cement content and adding order, do splitting strength test and analyze the influence of the cement addition on its moisture sensitivity.
But the factor of the steel slag fine and aging times have relatively more and more significant influence on the later compressive strength and the cement content is still the most influential factor.
This paper introduces the mix proportion of high fly ash content concrete instead of 30% cement with fly ash and some experiment results of the test examples in laboratory.
介绍了在水泥混凝土中,采用粉煤灰替代30 %水泥的高掺量粉煤灰混凝土的配合比设计,以及试件力学性能的室内实验结果。
The results indicate that cement mixing ratio, water content and comparative effort have important influence on shear strength, compressibility and microstructure of the compacted cement -loess.
Using self-made carbon steel crucible instead of poroelain crucible is an economical, practical, simple and raoid way to determine the carbon content in cement raw meal with phosphogypsum.
The effect of gypsum content on the hydration, compressive strength and setting time of Ba-bearing aluminoferriate cement was presented.
The effect of gypsum content on the hydration, compressive strength and setting time of Ba-bearing aluminoferriate cement was presented.