There wasn't a convention center around to help joining visitors and was the only nearby hotel eventually closed down for that same reason.
These accounts center around jokes, fashion and other light-hearted topics.
Life seemed to center around baby formula, diapers and huge boxes of tissues.
Player vs player conflict will center around the kingdoms of Ganareth, with players fighting for control.
Set some goals for yourself and get in the habit of doing activities that don't center around your children.
Meanwhile, the inter-city light rails which center around the three cities will be completed in three years.
The major risks found in the Phase I conceptual design center around vehicle operations in a liquid hydrocarbon sea.
在第一阶段概念设计中主要风险的发现集中围绕着运载器在液态烃海上的操作(展开) 。
According to this expected emphasis, I've chosen the granularity of the query results to center around serializing synsets.
But the most significant changes in JAXP 1.1 center around XML transformations, which I will cover later in this article.
但是,JAXP 1.1中的重大改动是围绕xml变换进行的,以后将在本文中介绍。
If the referenced cities, the first cities, are 4,200 miles apart, the answers for the next two will center around 4,200 miles.
Historically, they say, women have preferred careers that center around living things, rather than inanimate ideas or objects.
It's now entering an era where the degree of collaboration will center around a hyperlinked environment more so than document-based systems.
Most of the analyses of discourse coherence center around the syntax and grammar. However, the contribution of intonation has been somewhat neglected.
Since a WSDL document is so important, the development patterns described in this article center around how WSDL documents are created and manipulated.
For most, the early winter months are a time where fitness levels can drop a bit and your workouts can center around a specific area you need to improve.
The current operation mode of Germany's clothes making companies focus on the creation of brand value and center around brand, channel, design and marketing.
English research articles concerning interpersonal significance center around two themes: (1) how to introduce, refer to and evaluate others' results and views;
Published in the journal Cell Host & Microbe, the findings center around one gene variation that blocks a receptor from being expressed on the surface of red blood cells.
Although recent translation studies center around modern linguistics, yet one of its branch, i. e. the newly developed cognitive linguistic in the West, is seldom involved.
In this case, I rotate the line around the center of the movie with the code shown below.
Fairy lights dance around the trapezoid opening at the top of the Shanghai World Financial Center (SWFC).
One day we were travelling around the center of London.
The Center for Climate Research where I work links the science of climate change to issues around economics and policy.
There are some key abstractions you often see as a design center, and around those key abstractions you want to achieve various things.
There are some key abstractions you often see as a design center, and around those key abstractions you want to achieve various things.