But sadly, no central planner can know which people need to go where when and how much value should be attached to each trip.Only the individuals themselves know this.
But sadly, no central planner can know which people need to go where when and how much value should be attached to each trip. Only the individuals themselves know this.
CENTRAL Banks have historically been regarded as the guardians of a currency's value, but occasionally they want to drive their exchange rates down.
These problems have made the central bank unenthusiastic about selling renminbi and buying foreign bonds so as to hold down the value of the currency, people close to the central bank said.
Good response: "our pricing is in line with similar properties in this area and we feel that we offer good value given our central location and extensive facilities."
Some economists called the central bank timid last year for resisting attempts to let international capital flows dictate the value of the rupee.
In 2006, the business concept "Smart Travel" was introduced, featuring a basic product at central airports, a network that enables transfers and supplementary services that provide good value.
But the value central to the CastaDiva experience is the lifestyle afforded by this centuries old mansion.
Recognizing the value of Internet technologies, companies established intranets to provide their employees with a central point of access to enterprise specific information.
The People's Bank of China (PBOC), the country's central bank, is to issue a commemorative bank note with a face value of 10 yuan ($1.46) from Tuesday to mark the Beijing Olympic Games.
With luck, the deterioration in North-East and central india-damaging though it will certainly be-may not mark the start of a fresh erosion in the value of Indian girls.
This time he expands his remit to argue that it is not only possible to ascertain a fair value for stockmarkets but that central banks should try to do so and adjust their policies accordingly.
The central bank keeps track of the total value of its reserves in dollars, so a weaker euro means that euro-denominated assets are worth less in dollars, decreasing the total value of the reserves.
The central bank is tightening regulation of loan-to-value ratios and trying to end easy credit.
Other central banks, especially in Asia, continue to battle investors who are bidding up the value of their currencies in order to protect the competitiveness of export industries.
Now that you've built a value-oriented budget and evaluated your life in terms of your rediscovered central values, it's time to take care of a little bit of housekeeping.
The ban was rescinded after a few days, but all copper exports will now be cleared by the country’s central bank to ensure that exporters aren’t misstating volumes and value.
The managers of such a fund might also come to blows with the Central Bank, where practice has been to intervene in foreign-exchange markets to prevent wild swings in the value of the currency.
In Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Turkey is ranked highest at 61 with 4.2 on the scale, and Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are lowest, tied for 177 with a 1.6 index value.
The value of remittances has also tumbled, says Mexico's central bank.
The technical definition of variance is the random variable's second central moment, the weighted average of the square of the differences from the expected value.
They assigned a numerical value to factors that invoked stress, and whether or not that factor was central to the job being evaluated.
Objective To explore the clinical value of peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) in preterm infants.
Justice is the core concept of law as well as the central content of the system of legal value.
Justice is the core concept of law as well as the central content of the system of legal value.