Multimedia Video Central Control System (MVCCS) is designed and manufactured for multimedia classroom and assembly room.
Responsible for the operation of system, central control room of the hotel's fire safety situation to conduct a comprehensive monitoring, timely report to the superior all kinds of information.
The system which operates automatic equipments in ship's central control room(CCR) or control console is called Main Engine Remote Control System .
In addition, a central node set up in central control room can receive and analysis the data from any nodes on CAN-BUS. The instruction from the central node is sent for controlling system.
MAX485 makes monitoring computer communications and voice alarm system to form a whole, the work can voice alarm status data, fault content timely and effective central control room.
The monitoring system of heat-supply network is composed of control unit of substation, wire telephone network data communication system and computer data center in central control room.
All instruments of this measure-control system are advanced, and are conceptually controlled in the central control room.
All instruments of this measure-control system are advanced, and are conceptually controlled in the central control room.