In one embodiment, the computer system contains central processor 400.
In one embodiment, the computer system contains central processor 100 and chipset 102.
Interconnect 410 provides a communication link between central processor 400 and chipset 408.
In this embodiment, the central processor 202 and the chipset 204 reside on the same chip 200.
Central processor 302 and graphics processor 304 communicate with chipset 306 through interconnect 308.
Many functions of CD unit can be implemented with the system control, which its central processor is MPU.
Sometimes referred to simply as the processor or central processor the CPU is where most calculations take place.
The system consists of a tooth-and-slots board, detection submodules distributed along the track and a central processor.
Interconnect 104, coupled to both central processor 100 and chipset 102, is used for communication between these two agents.
The necessary shifts in signal phase are controlled via a dedicated beam steering controller or the architecture's central processor.
It is in the central processor the call store and the program store that the key elements of the stored program system really lie.
It is in the central processor the call store and the program store that the key elements of the stored program system really lie.
It is in the central processor, the call store and the program store that the key elements of the stored program system really lie.
This embodiment adds more memory bandwidth local to the graphics processor in order to reduce the interference on the central processor.
Furthermore, Figure 3 describes a computer system that incorporates central processor 302 and graphics processor 304 on a single chip 300.
In this embodiment, system memory controller 402 is integrated on the central processor 400 to provide access to system memory 404 through interconnect 406.
To solve the problem, a new embedded machine vision system is proposed, which takes the USB camera as the image acquisition unit and ARM as central processor.
The design of computers to permit expansion of their capabilities by increasing the central processor 's hardware and the number of peripheral devices as required.
In another embodiment, the graphics processor and graphics local memory controller are both located on the same integrated chip as the central processor (not shown).
All MCUs in the family use the enhanced M68HC08 central processor unit (CPU08) and are available with a variety of modules, memory sizes and types, and package types.
该系列的全部MCU均采用增强型m 68hc08中央处理器(CPU08),并提供各种模块、不同大小的内存和类型、以及封装选择。
The central processor adopts a AT89C52 SCM as core processor and calculates the vehicle's speed along the line according to all the outputs of the detection submodules.
上位处理器以at89c 52单片机为核心,根据所有子块的输出,计算出车辆在线路上的速度。
System memory controller 106, integrated on chipset 102 in one embodiment, provides central processor 100 access to the system memory subsystem 108 through interconnect 110.
TI's TMS320VC5402 DSP IC chip is used as the central processor of the system so that the video acquisition, video image extract and data analysis can be integrated into one system.
Because the processing of various signals is integrated to one central processor to be finished, the possibility of starting the electric vehicle by shorting circuits can be stopped.
The system comprises a virtual key partition board, a transmitting circuit, the receiving circuit, a signal central processor, an acoustic-optic display module, an actuator and the like.
This paper gives a method that takes the 8031 type singal -chip computer as central processor to control the process of the fast data acquisition and data processing for high frequentcyy signals.
This article analyses overhead of the system, starting from the time distribution of central processor in SPC switching system. Some methods increasing call handling capability are also described.
This article analyses overhead of the system, starting from the time distribution of central processor in SPC switching system. Some methods increasing call handling capability are also described.