ObjectiveTo investigate the mechanism of cerebral white matter damage in premature rats induced by intrauterine infection.
Objective: To evaluate the usefulness of diffusion tensor tracking in abnormal cerebral white matter induced by cerebral gliomas.
ConclusionIt is similar to single preterm, cerebral white matter injury is the major forms of MRI in twin preterm with brain injury.
Logistic regression analysis revealed that LDL and hypertension were independent risk factors for cerebral white matter chronic ischemia.
Minor features include dental pits, renal cysts, rectal hamartoma polyps, cerebral white matter migration lines, gingival fibromas, and confetti skin lesions.
The abnormal signals of neuroradiologic imaging predominantly showed symmetrical lesions in the posterior cerebral white matter bilaterally, and also involved the cortex.
The presence of hemorrhage in patchy cerebral white matter lesions instead suggests the diagnosis of Acute Hemorrhagic Encephalomyelitis, which is distinct from ANE and ADEM.
Objective to examine the relationship between cerebral white matter lesions (WML) of different severity and the cognitive impairment in old people with vascular risk factors.
Lacunar infarcts were rated visually. Volumes of deep white matter and WML and presence of lacunar infarcts reflected cerebral small vessel disease.
Involvement of adjacent white matter tracts, cerebral cortex and cerebellar structures has also been described but is less common.
The lesion is well demarcated (Figures 1 ~ 4 in the first batch) and found in the white matter only. The cerebral cortex is spared (Figure 3).
这种疾病境界清楚(第一组图1 -4),而且只发生于大脑白质,皮质未累及(图3)。
PML lesions are found in white matter and at the corticomedullary junction of cerebral and cerebellar cortex.
PM L病变见于脑和小脑的白质和皮质-白质交界处。
Fractional anisotropy (FA) were measured in some main white matter structures of peripheral white matter, basal ganglia, cerebral peduncle etc.
MR imaging showed multiple, scattered, FLAIR hyperintense foci in bilateral cerebral hemispheres involving deep white matter, right middle cerebellar peduncle, and pons.
There were obvious pathological change in the brain after the chronic cerebral hypoperfusion, such as myelinic degeneration and formation of glial nodule in white matter.
The rate of cerebral infarction associated with white matter lesion(WML)and brain atrophy in VD group was higher than that of NVD group. Conclusion :The factors that mosts…
There might be involvement of adjacent white matter tracts, cerebral or cerebellar cortex but this is less likely.
There is mild nonspecific periventricular white matter disease and diffuse cerebral atrophy.
T2WI phase: cerebral cortex and white matter can better distinguish the signal above the cortical white matter signal, after the bilateral lateral ventricle angle showed a high signal;
The ratio of FDG uptake of the lesion to normal white matter in PET and the ratio of cerebral blood perfusion of the lesion to normal white matter also were compared.
The ratio of FDG uptake of the lesion to normal white matter in PET and the ratio of cerebral blood perfusion of the lesion to normal white matter also were compared.