The action might also involve alerting people to certain threats in the environment by sending email, phone or pager notifications.
Could there be ways to heal that involve ultra-dilution - possibly avoiding the nasty side-effects of certain drugs?
With Weibo event, we gather together to involve in certain events, thus we don't only win prizes, but also make new friends during the event.
Such statements involve certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements.
Some of these problems involve an array of departmental interests, for some it will be difficult to reach consensus, and some will encroach on certain people's interests.
Certain planned changes to the tech trees involve either moving specific tanks to different tiers or otherwise changing how they fit into the equipment progression.
Certain planned changes to the tech trees involve either moving specific tanks to different tiers or otherwise changing how they fit into the equipment progression.