No one, not even Newton, and certainly not me, is smart enough to be smarter than one's own emotions.
So if you insist on me giving advice, I will certainly not give you a kind of menu or a timetable for change, but I do believe that what America needs is its own perestroika.
A college professor in Washington told me this week that graduates from his program were finding jobs, but they were not making very much money, certainly not enough to think about raising a family.
Certainly the tone was nice, but it just did not seem to me that on the issue of policies it just did not seem to me he really learned a great deal in the last couple of week.
If someone's dumb enough to offer me a million dollars to make a picture, I'm certainly not dumb enough to turn it down.
O Angel, I tell you all this not from vanity - you will certainly know I do not - but only that you may come to me!
I am not sure what drew me to love all things obscure and unknown, but that passion remains with me to this day -and can certainly be considered the greatest motivation for making Listverse.
And I didn't have cancer. I had no idea I would get it, certainly not in the next decade, or that it would kill me.
While I'm not an economist, I can certainly do what they do and look at the Numbers to tell me what's really going on.
The techniques discussed here are certainly not a complete list of the best practices available. Rather they are a collection of techniques that have worked well for me in the past.
I mean, I might ask the woman bawling her eyes out behind me in church what's wrong or if I can help her, but I'm certainly not going to invite her to dinner.
For instance, when breaking up with a partner, we reassure them that "it's not you, it's me", when in reality it most certainly is them.
So I waited quietly for a period of time, and the Lord began to talk to me about angels-something I certainly was not expecting.
I know this setup won't work for most people, and am certainly not suggesting you adopt it – just giving you a little glimpse into my world, and what works for me!
While I certainly hoped that this would lead me to a speaking engagement, I did not expect it to happen so quickly.
“You’re certainly not hurting me with that kind of talk, ” Giff says.
And certainly Wilfred Owen would not have been, and it seemed to me as though in fact it was important to read Wilfred Owen and to go on thinking and talking about his poetry.
He convinced me that no set of any length would meet all requirements even then, certainly not in the future, and that the Escape concept would work.
Appreciating that while no relationship is all smiles all of the time, no relationship could be better for me than the one we share together. The grass is certainly not greener...
If someone's dumb enough to offer me a million dollars to make a picture, I'm certainly not dumb enough to turn it down.
When I am confused, not far away has an eye to look at me, that certainly is you.
It was 79-82 that made me a convinced saltwater economist. And nothing that has happened since - certainly not the current crisis - has dented that conviction.
正是79- 82年的滞胀,使我成为了一个笃诚的“咸水派经济学家”2。此后所发生的任何事情(当然包括当前的危机),都未使我的信念有半点的削弱。
If I were just sitting here listening to other people should not come back tell me, then I certainly will not be here.
This mindset led me early in my career to think bigger and proactively suggest new ideas to the team-certainly not all of them good or accepted, but almost always appreciated.
It scares me that you mention it as a career, because that's certainly not where I was angling.
I'm not skilled in writing, so it is certainly one reason to get me subjective.
To me, they seem a bit more emotionless than I'd expected, even via Nancy, though certainly not humorless or without personality!
Now I left the distant parents, came here, the mother will ask me homesick, I very firmly said: "No, certainly not! ""
Now I left the distant parents, came here, the mother will ask me homesick, I very firmly said: "No, certainly not! ""