This approach, pioneered by Wockhardt, an Indian hospital chain, has proved so safe and successful that medical tourists come to Bangalore from all over the world.
It has been proved that structure of food chain, immigration and emigration, environment noise can influence the pattern of complex population dynamics.
The system proved its validity of subprograms which include voltage calculation module, rotor magnetic chain observation module and SVPWM output module.
Based on laboratory experiments and in-situ observations, it has been proved that outburst of coal and gas in in-seam drivage is a chain reaction process of disc tensile fracture in a working face.
It has proved that Markov chain method is an effective method in analysis of the Quaternary sedimentary layers.
The definition of the Markov chain M matrix is stated and some of its properties are proved, base on canonical representation of the one-step transition probability matrix.
在一步转移概率 矩阵典型化的基础上,给出马尔可夫链M 矩 阵的定义并证明它的一些性质。
The truth has proved that the supply chain management (SCM) can help the enterprises efficiently reduce the operation costs, improve the efficiency, and intensify their core competence.
It was proved that a risk neutral distributor in a supply chain can intermediate the risk faced by retailers.
Firstly surplus process in claim moment being a Markov chain was proved, then the upper bounds of the ruin probabilities was discussed by recursive method.
This paper proved the method of computational experiment feasible and preponderant by applying it into the supply chain to analyze the characteristics of this system.
Yet even as she honed her reputation as a chain-smoking party-loving night crawler Margaret also proved herself a loving mother to her two children with armstrong-jones.
At the same time, by comparing the results of water absorption properties of the catalyst in air, it was proved that the catalyst with perfluorooctyl chain has the best water resistant properties.
In truth, sea-level rise and greater frequency of storms are higher-order results of global warming, in that they would require several links in a causal chain to be proved.
Producers, retailers and reproducers in reproduction closed-loop supply chain are used as examples to distribute profits. This method is proved effective in this paper.
The thesis also proved that small and medium-sized enterprises may infect the whole supply chain by analysis with the coupling character and dissipative character of Enterprise Risk Conduction.
Further study showed that each little bacterium had a chain of dense particles inside, which proved magnetic.
Further study showed that each little bacterium had a chain of dense particles inside, which proved magnetic.