The consuming of the circle chains and scrapers is a main consuming when the circle chain scraper conveyor is operated.
Therefore, it is particularly necessary to analyze the cause of chain fracture of chain scraper conveyor and prevent the accident.
Often appear no buried scraper conveyor, disconnection of chain and chain, and the bucket elevator, off the bucket of a spin occur frequently.
In addition, breaks in the horizontal plane occur between the trough section, in principle, also during the shifting of the scraper chain conveyor.
Buried scraper conveyor in horizontal transmission materials, and scraper chain in the direction of the pressure and material, its weight in the materials produced in the friction.
This mobility, reduced to the vertical plane, is unsatisfactory in a scraper chain conveyor.
Ring chain is applicable to coal mine scraper conveyor, plough, drum shearer and other mechanical traction chain, etc.
This paper analyses unreasonable place of the scraper chain and scraper of sgd-20b type scraper conveyor. Improving way is adopted and the effect is very good.
分析了sgd—2 0 B型刮板输送机刮板链中链条及刮板的不合理处,采取了改进措施,取得了良好的效果。
That is, as a rule, a scraper chain conveyor does not only follow synclines and anticlines, but it also frequently follows curves.
On the base of this, the optimum structure of chain wheel module for scraper conveyor is obtained.
On the base of this, the optimum structure of chain wheel module for scraper conveyor is obtained.