There is a lot of room for creativity in all of this, but they have little chance of developing a complete product, from start to finish, without using other software for key features.
So if you think of Japan in that way you can realize that once you've had a huge earthquake of this sort there's a chance that a lot of faults could have smaller earthquakes.
The longer you wait the less a chance you have. Because of this, if you learn to react quickly when inspiration strikes you will succeed a lot more often.
If you've been moving around a lot, stop somewhere nice and give your family a chance to recharge batteries and make friends. It's amazing how quickly a place feels like home.
"I had a lot of friends who worked in foreign embassies so I had the chance to exchange music tapes.That's the way I listened to a lot of rock music at that time," he said.
And, this being Europe, there is every chance that the politicians will try to avoid discussing a lot of this with their electorates.
I met with a lot of talented people in Sudan; they couldn't get the chance to show their creativity.
People manage to draw a lot of inspiration from winter, including spending more family together and using this as a chance to increase skills that will be useful when the weather warms up.
Glamour rating? There's a lot of footie kits, but there's also at least one chance to get dolled up on a night out.
We get a lot of big quakes every year, and occasionally those hit near population and cause damage — it's mostly a matter of chance.
If you have been moving around a lot, stop somewhere nice and give your family a chance to recharge batteries and make friends.
It also requires finding reinsurance for the local insurer, because there is a high chance of a lot of claims coming in at once.
A lot of them took jobs in corporate research laboratories-they were willing to exchange the chance of getting rich for the certainty of a regular salary.
Second, "if they are the right kind of plants, they have a chance to transfer a lot of carbon underground for long-term sequestration, " he says.
The AD generated a lot of conversation and seemed at least to have opened the minds of enough voters to give me a chance.
I tend to do a lot of "share pairs" where people get a chance to do a debrief with someone else in the room.
A nervous person might swallow a lot of air, which then moves quickly through the digestive system before the blood has a chance to absorb it.
The bottom line: as long as you're asking for something that doesn't cost a lot and won't disrupt business, you stand a good chance of getting it.
But offer him a 90% chance of losing a little money or a 10% chance of losing a lot, and he will opt for the latter.
A lot of factors have to be taken into consideration when looking for a job - for instance, the chance to learn, or the chance to display your aptitude.
It's a simple, inexpensive notebook, but the world's intelligence agencies would pay a lot of money for the chance to see what's on it.
And part of it was an argument, for better or worse, that there's a whole lot of people who see movies who don't read books, and here is a chance to bring this powerful story to all of those people.
If given the chance to do it over again, he wouldn't change a thing, including dropping out of college. "For a lot of people, college is a time when they figure out what they want to do," he says.
There are a lot of tips in this document and there is a pretty good chance that you will not agree with all of them or find that you can't do all of them due to time constraints.
We're not perfect people. I'm probably on my 1000th second chance right now and I'm not ashamed to admit it. Because even though I've failed a lot, it means I've tried a lot too.
Dashboard provides a unifying channel for these applications and a chance for the user to get a lot more value out of each application's data.
Dashboard provides a unifying channel for these applications and a chance for the user to get a lot more value out of each application's data.