I couldn't help others change if I couldn't change myself.
For me, only my family was more important — and in fact I was making these change for my family as well as for myself.
I recognize I have brought this on myself, and I know above all I am the one who needs to change.
Each time I go through this, I see hidden aspects of myself. Sometimes I discover that I am craving change.
I'm afraid because I'll have to change my perception of myself, and accept my divine worth, abiding in the image of God.
Everything I have ever known about myself, how I look, how I act, how I interact with the world, is rapidly and radically changing. And yet, with each change, I still have choice.
I quickly made these calls, not allowing myself time to change my mind, I finally reached someone who promised te mail me a list of the Center's former therapists who were in private practice.
Well, I've always seen myself as an alchemist, a catalyst for change.
'the only real change will be that I am expected to haul it to some central place myself instead of having custodial staff pick it up,' she wrote at the time on a school website.
I'm a big fan of Hans Rosling, and I always whisper to myself: let my dataset change your mindset.
It was all like that I came here and started to be a social worker and I wasn't gonna to change anything. I was trying to change myself.
So I really hope, and expect, nothing will change inside of me when I go back into the car and start pushing myself to the maximum again.
And, I have the graph of my function — and I'm asking myself how quickly does the value change when I move on the graph in that direction?
I can't change my gender (really, not an option) so I'd be apologizing for being myself.
I made a conscious effort to change what I believed about myself and what I believed about the world and it has literally changed my life.
Whenever I feel like I need to change something and improve, I have to remind myself to take it slow.
I might not be able to change anything all by myself but we can make a difference if everybody thinks this way.
And at last came this inner shift not as a decision of mine but as a spontaneous change of belief about myself, a deep reconciliation and peacefulness.
I didn't make this change to make it easier on myself - I was trying to make it easier on the end user.
I really already very hard to pay for this relationship, I know I have a lot of places do well, but I really hard to try to change myself.
My mother smiles and says I should change myself, since then, I become a good child.
From then on, I managed to change myself and the former method of passive study, and applied English into living, let it bring me happiness.
Everyone is unique, you don't need others to change myself, to be true to yourself.
To make things change, to change myself. To make things better, let oneself become more strong.
Not change myself, don't try to change each other, and should adjust themselves to their respective a modest space, want to be together already, also want to be alone with each other.
If I am to change this image, I must first change myself. Fishare friends, not food.
You know I am so stubborn that I will not change myself for anybody, even for my most cherished love.
You know I am so stubborn that I will not change myself for anybody, even for my most cherished love.