This small but significant change in the way you work yields an immediate benefit: all the valuable context you build up as you work is no longer lost when you switch tasks.
The way you think, the way you work, the way you collaborate, the way you interact, will all change as you go Agile.
With all the forces making the world smaller, it is time to change our way of thinking. Time to realize that we live together in one world, not two: this poverty is in our community, wherever we live.
Experts say the result means all patients in coma-like states should be reassessed and it may change the way they are cared for in future.
That doesn’t mean you need to change things all the time, but sometimes we keep doing something a certain way just because that’s what we’re used to doing.
When a change is made to a rule on the server, there is no way to inform all the potential clients that something has changed and that they therefore may need to refresh their caches.
“All these countries are going to be affected in some way and they’ve got to change their behavior and the way they do business,” Arif says.
That way if you ever have to change the way you search, you can change it in one place and it gets fixed in all your test scripts that call that module.
The sad part is, Ms. Right types are hard to change, as their personal pride tends to get in the way of understanding others and the world around her, so all you can really do is avoid these women.
The novelist and agent gave me their impressions of the device and how it will, if at all, change the way readers consume books.
In a simple analogy, after you put something into your bag, the only way to change what you take is to get out a new bag and put all your items into it.
It is vital to provide support all along the way in the form of training, coaching, communication and change management.
Even if these results are confirmed, they won't change at all the way we live or the way the world works.
But sometimes it can be just the opposite: a low rung in the organization requests a change, and the request moves all the way up the ladder to the very top before anything happens.
With all the new features and functionality, it made sense to introduce an improved way for users to be able to change options, pick themes and set other features within the platform.
The best way to fire up you desire to change, is having a full picture of all the positive things you are bringing into your life, and of all of the negative ones you are moving away from.
Another change involves flick scrolling - it now stops at page breaks instead of scrolling all the way to the bottom of the list.
Sometimes all you have to do is change the way you look and think about your industry and you'll discover a whole new bevy of blog topics just waiting to be written about!
The city would incorporate all the newest technologies, and would change constantly in a bid to test and discover the best way for a city to be.
This is a good way to capture for informational purposes all of the values that were used, and it makes it easier for you to change a particular value in the future.
The change is about walking all this way back again living thru all these ancestral memories of giving away your truth.
The framework offers a standard way, for instance, to make the font of all components 8-point bold Lucida, without having to change every call to create a component.
例如,该框架提供一种标准方法使所有组件的字体为8 - point boldLucida,无需更改所有调用来创建一个组件。
You also allow yourself to change the way that you use the Web application in the future without updating the code in all of the portlets.
Some of the companies that will change the way the world uses technology won't be tech companies at all, according to Eva Chen, co-founder and CEO of a web security company called Trend Micro.
The simplest way to convert an existing application to be a real-time application is to simply change all places where a new thread is started to use the RealtimeThread class instead.
If I were to copy and paste this code all around, then change the field structure of the book table, I would be in a bad way.
Somehow, there had to be a way to change my habits without taking all the pleasure out of life.
What's surprising about avalanches is that all their destructive force comes from simple snowflakes and the way they change at a microscopic level.
What's surprising about avalanches is that all their destructive force comes from simple snowflakes and the way they change at a microscopic level.