By understanding this change, we may be able to design pharmaceuticals or other forms of therapy that will assist individuals with this mutation in recovering from bacterial disease.
By running thousands of processors in parallel supercomputers not only help design weapons systems they also model climate change crack codes and help develop new and life-changing drugs.
By running thousands of processors in parallel, supercomputers not only help design weapons systems, they also model climate change, crack codes, and help develop new and life-changing drugs.
So far, our design for the timesheet application has been driven by technology and a requirements change.
Easterbrook called for climate scientists to use applications written by experts in software design that would enable cross-disciplinary work to address climate change questions.
The design follows the Open Closed Principle if you can extend the system by swapping out implementations of IDataSource without making any change to the BusinessProcess class.
Any change should be accompanied by a design rationale (DR) to ensure that the system's complexity is well-understood and well-controlled.
It has distinguished itself from rivals, partly by imposing a Spartan design ethos and limiting how users can change the appearance of their profile pages.
One idea for dealing with leaks is to change that by moving transistor design into three dimensions.
In addition, by tracing from high-level to low-level requirements and on to design, code, and test, you can easily see the impact of a requirements change.
Each design carried within it, inherently, the plan of its evolution, which was to be accomplished by movement, growth, or as humans calls it, change.
This thesis reduces the sensitivity of turbine flow meter to viscosity change by optimize the structure and the geometric parameters of its design.
So after two years I began to design routes by myself, and can change the plan on request.
Calling all members: design 21 wants to put you in the driver's seat - by giving you the opportunity to help us create an interview with someone who is making change happen through design.
If a proposal, which is approved by the Engineer, includes a change in the design of part of the Permanent Works, then unless otherwise agreed by both Parties.
By taking advantage of software design principles and patterns, you can build software that is more resilient to change.
By design of the change node and use of multifunctional climbing-frame, the construction time is reduced greatly.
The process by which culture change cones about, the roles design consultancies can play in the process, and examples of success will be discussed below.
The change of color plays an important role in lighting design of gala evening by exemplifying.
The expressional forms and artistic creation ideas in exhibition design change after technical renewal and psycho change were discussed by referring to the expression experience of drama and movie.
The paper offers the theoretically base for design of the biscuit formula and its change rule by analysing the effect of oil and fat, sugar and loose agent on biscuit quality.
A ruggedized design method for shaping diode laser beams, which can totally eliminate the effects caused by the temperature change or laser wavelength shift on output beam direction, is described.
By expatiating the change of the component elements of design aesthetics, this article gives three features of the design aesthetics in the post-modern society: obscureness, art and systematization.
Information garnered by these tools provides critical data that can be used to change the design to avoid specific problems.
By calculation and analysis, find out the relationship between the change of stress and strain and design parameters of U-shaped bellows.
A lot of menace are become to violate user volition change to link a few specific websites by the design is beguiling webpage even.
The fatigue function test is the one that to examine resist burst function on the change force. It's basis engineering component design which the fatigue limit by test.
By design, a spider will return to a site periodically to check new pages and change existing pages.
Airproof connections in oil circulation, air exhaust at initial installation and filter change, as well as the improvement of configuration layout by 3d visual design are also discussed.
And then the data states and states change design are discussed, especially the takeover of repetitious points incremental snapshots, which are presented by bitmaps.