The happiest people on this planet are not those who live on their own terms but are those who change their terms for the ones whom they love !!
在这世上 ,最幸福的是人不是那些为自己的想法而活着的人,反倒是那些因为关爱别人而(处处)替他人着想的人。
The authors looked at the crime rates of a cohort of British school-leavers, some of whom were forced to stay in school for longer because of a legal change to the school-leaving age.
报告使用了统计学原理找出教育水平底下和犯罪的因果相连。 报告的作者们留意这英国各大学毕业生的犯罪率,由于离校年龄的改变,毕业生被迫延长留校时间。
But I have come to think that the beggars whom I meet can get along without my spare change, and indeed perhaps they are actually better off for not having money to buy alcohol or drugs.
But I have come to think that the beggars whom I meet can get along without my spare change, and indeed perhaps they are actually better off for not having money to buy alcohol or drugs.