If you still don't know how much you will harvest in the future, please change from now on, care everyone around you now.
If you still don't know how to appreciate the devotion of your teachers, please change from now on, return them with your endeavor.
If you still don't know how to appreciate the friendship between the classmates, please change from now on, warm them with your care.
Wiping tears from the corners of his eyes, he added: 'I can't even imagine how this place will change from now on. I can't begin to imagine it.
If you still don't know how to open your mind to the world, please change from now on, not only have a dream, but try to achieve it by working hard.
But there will come a time, not long from now, when citizens will demand stronger action on climate change.
Barring a new burst of anti-Semitism, the map of world Jewry will change slowly from now on.
Noting that Obama has campaigned on the theme of change, McCain said Americans are distressed with many changes they now see, from high energy and food prices to job losses.
This list is likely to change throughout the project, more on this later, but for now this is what we have to work from.
Although it is impossible to precisely predict prices four decades from now, the exercise is one of the most detailed examinations yet of the impact of climate change policies on UK consumers.
After reading the previous section about lsvirprt, you now know how to view the value for lines per page. To expand on that, change the value from 66 to 50 by completing the following steps.
We know that you use Gmail from a variety of screen sizes and devices, so now the spacing between elements on the screen will automatically change based on the kind of display you're using.
From now on we are friends for a minute, it's a fact that you can't change, because it's over.
And my outlook on life also attack earth-shaking change, from initial they that know nothing fear nothing, to now, for all things mind fear.
However, now the situation and attitude were different from countries on the problem of facing and dealing with climate change.
Now you can change the active measures just by clicking on one of the visible items and choosing from a context menu a new item that would substitute the tabbed one.
From now on change from one Certification Body to the other will only be possible if a new cycle is started. This means change within a 3-year cycle is no longer admissible.
Now, on global climate change research has clearly pointed out that since the end of last century from the Earth's surface temperature increased by began.
It should have been visible from Grant's first game (or up to 5 games) the effect he has on the team, but up till now it's wide obvious that he didn't change a single thing.
Right now he is featuring on the "Change The World" single release from the upcoming huge project with over 40 international artists, many of the big stars, THE E.
该单曲出自即将到来的由40多位国际艺人(很多都是大牌哟)参与一个大项目,THE E。
In supermarkets, new brands and models arrive on to the shelves every now and then. Even the McDonald's outlets here have taken to new gimmicks that change from time to time.
So from now on I will take practical action to realize my dream to change these problems …
We are now faced with an important change in improving the uses of microcomputers, in other words, a transition from single-processing to on-line processing and from single-user to multi-user.
We are now faced with an important change in improving the uses of microcomputers, in other words, a transition from single-processing to on-line processing and from single-user to multi-user.