The pace of change in energy sources appears to be speeding up—perhaps just in time to have a meaningful effect in slowing climate change.
The pace of change in energy sources appears to the speeding up—perhaps just in time to have a meaningful effect in slowing climate change.
Many of the home electric goods which are advertised as liberating the modern woman tend to have the opposite effect, because they simply change the nature of work instead of eliminating it.
A single good action will not change your life, but the same action repeated 1,000 times will have an important effect on your life.
A change in diet today could take several months to have an effect on your hair.
The covers are a small change, but they can still have a positive effect.
“The bad news is that we’re extremely wasteful,” Mr. Bloom said in an interview. “The positive side of it is that we have a real role to play here, and we can effect change.
"The bad news is that we're extremely wasteful," Mr. Bloom said in an interview. "The positive side of it is that we have a real role to play here, and we can effect change."
But I find it remarkable that a small change in calcium could have such a big effect on my body and my mind.
As an individual, you may have an idea or ideas to effect change on a local, national or international basis.
The effect clouds have on climate has been something of a mystery to atmospheric scientists, with some researchers hoping they would provide a silver lining by acting as a brake on climate change.
Previous efforts to quantify the effect of climate change on U.S. ecosystems have generally focused on particular areas or industries.
Consider the end game: For those who want to foster change, going out in fury can have the opposite effect.
Do not underestimate the effect a change in language or a change in classroom style can have on your performance.
Change the layer blending mode of this layer to "Screen" and reduce the opacity of 60%, you will have the following effect.
This corresponds to a place where the gravitational pulls of Mars and Jupiter have conspired to change the orbits of any asteroids much faster than the Yarkovsky effect could manage alone.
与此相一致的是,在火星和木星共同的引力作用下改变小行星的轨道要比单一的雅科夫斯基效应(Yarkovsky effect)改变其轨道要快得多。
As Mr Micawber wisely pointed out, a small change in income can, in the absence of a compensating change in outlays, have a disastrous effect.
The DECC came out with the hard-hitting message after research showed that more than half of the UK public think climate change will have no effect on them.
Such a small change in stratospheric water vapour can have such a large effect precisely because the stratosphere is already dry.
Climate change is beginning to have an effect, and by the middle of the century I am sure it will be accounting for the vast majority of future extinctions of English wildlife.
If an entrepreneur isn't capable of quick action, change can have a negative effect on operations and profitability.
And while data have always been the most sought-after information on the World Bank website, few envisioned its power to effect change at the Bank.
The strangle grip that the GDS players have on both the neutral distribution and the airline IT side of life makes it hard to effect change.
If you are enthusiastic about devoting yourself to your country, but do not have the skills it takes to do so, you cannot effect much change.
How else are you going to calculate how much your parts costs have gone up, or automatically give a limited-time discount to a valued customer, or calculate the effect of a retroactive rate change?
Extreme weather events are also likely to have a more destructive effect in future decades, as population density increases due to reasons unrelated to climate change.
Extreme weather events are also likely to have a more destructive effect in future decades, as population density increases due to reasons unrelated to climate change.