Thesecond page uses the inverse Laplace transform to compute the symbolic responseto a step change in position as a function of time.
r So, if we wait a certain amount of time, we'll have a vector, delta r, which is the change in position vector a various interval of time.
Have the viscoelastic properties, with head and neck change in position, happen automatically deformation, keeping in touch with neck closely position.
Once a change in position, may be the right size, might not in tune with the surrounding environment, so the rich are generally permanent display device.
The change in position is just the speed of the car multiplied by the time since the last tick, which you can get from the timers on the microcontroller or some other known timer.
There has been a dramatic change in the position of radio in the last 10 years, dramatic even though consumption has not been affected as much as newspaper consumption.
In addition, ETFs can provide daily pricing and liquidity, allowing investors to exit quickly and change their market position without incurring heavy discounts on selling the product.
They also found nobody in the community had an age. Instead, they change their names to reflect their life stage and position within their society.
Musalo says the change in the department of homeland security's position means Alvarado's case is finally likely to be addressed.
In some cases the specific change triggers a signal - the folded or square position may activate some other enzyme, or open a channel in a cell.
The strategic challenge we had was-we were in the position of trying to argue everything's great, so it's time for a change, right?
Durable data architecture usually requires minor changes to applications and business processes, and the position in the organization chart rarely comes with the mandate for such change.
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs welcomed what he called the change in Boehner's position.
Dreamslide bike is designed to be used in a standing position where you shift your weight and sway from side to side to change direction.
Lead developers, coaches, and people in similar roles are in a position where they can introduce change.
Expectant mothers are encouraged to labor in any other position that feels comfortable, and to change their position as often as they can (and want to).
This expert may advise the placement of mirrors in certain areas, tell you where water should flow and where it shouldn't, and change the position of your bed.
France has been supportive of Africa's position ahead of the climate change talks in Copenhagen.
But it is, in his opinion, the option most likely to have a chance of effecting change because it puts you and the "naggee" on the same team, where you're in a position to combat the problem together.
These people seek to change the state and they have made tremendous efforts to do it, but they are not in a position to carry it off.
A position taken in two or more options or futures contracts in order to profit from a change in their relative prices.
两个或多个选择或未来合同利用改变相关的价格以赢利的点。 这里的spread楼主为什么选择的是差额点的意思,而不是差额?
They must craft a common EU position to take to the Copenhagen climate-change conference in December.
Positioning is not what you do to a product, but how you can change the name, the price, the packaging or other elements to secure a worthwhile position in the prospect's mind.
As for his position on climate change, which seems sincerely held, I encountered a green activist in Florida who once voted for Al Gore and who has now come over to McCain.
That change speaks to an enormous shift in China's economic fortunes and to its position in the world.
That change speaks to an enormous shift in China's economic fortunes and to its position in the world.