Disabling downloads of subscription content will not disable the change notification.
In order to enable two way binding, you need both sides of the bind to support change notification.
Any file name change in the watched directory or subtree causes a change notification wait operation to return.
Any change to the creation time of files in the watched directory or subtree causes a change notification wait operation to return.
Any change to the last access time of files in the watched directory or subtree causes a change notification wait operation to return.
To ensure that your data source and bound controls always have the most recent data, you must add change notification for data binding.
Basically, intrasite replication is designed to replicate changes quickly to DCs within the same site and is performed using change notification.
The EMF provides a generic navigation model for the graph or related (or unrelated) objects, and contains a built-in change notification mechanism.
The new notification messages are triggered when attributes change or either before or after specific methods are called.
Notification can also be used to trigger events, such as reacting to a state change that surpasses a given threshold, as in the case of dwindling resources like memory or disk space.
Its robust, flexible workflow support includes E-mail notification and submission options, so your team members can be informed as change requests are updated.
Make sure you change it to QUEUED, as shown in Figure 4; otherwise, the event notification and event creation will consequently fail.
确保将其变更为QUEUED,如图4 所示,否则事件通告和事件创建将因此失败。
Initiate a change in state of the WS-Resource that results in the Web service producing a notification message which it then sends to the broker.
Whenever a change to registry or repository content is detected by Registry and Repository, it invokes all validation and notification plug-ins that are registered.
Registry and Repository ships a default notification handler that publishes change events on a JMS topic.
Registry andRepository附带了一个发布有关 JMS 主题更改事件的缺省通知处理程序。
The status change only triggers the notification event when the status is updated using the Web resource.
This J2EE client application calls this method to change the value of total and send a notification message.
Lucy tells Luke about the E-mail notification change.
Default ClearQuest owners (which may be groups or lists of users) get automatic email notification regarding the new change request submission.
An example from the banking industry could be notification that a customer might need a mortgage due to the detection of a life event based on a master data change indicating that someone got married.
EMF provides persistence, a very efficient reflective generic object manipulation API, and a change-notification framework.
Inexperienced ClearQuest users are tempted to send the submitter notification upon every state change.
For example, the sensor component can publish the Address Change event as a WS-Notification [4] standard Notify message, where the event object XML is contained in the payload of the Notify message.
例如,传感器组件可以将地址更改事件作为WS - notification[4]标准Notify消息发布,其中事件对象XML包含在Notify消息的有效负载中。
Every change to the board must be notified by the board for registration. A copy of the document about the change is to be attached to the notification.
SIM Change Alert - Receive a notification SMS message if the SIM card has been changed.
Any product realization change affecting customer requirements requires notification to, and agreement from, the customer.
NOTE 1 Any product realization change affecting customer requirements requires notification to, and agreement from the customer.
It should be possible to register for a notification event when there is a change on a particular file or directory, which would be the best approach if you needed to do monitoring at a larger scale.
We reserve the right to change the parameter above without any notification in advance.
We reserve the right to change the parameter above without any notification in advance.