But in the raster graphic display system, scale lines and character will be distorted seriously owe to the limited screen resolution in the case of deflection, which affect the display quality.
This paper discusses the design of the interfaces among MSP430F149 SCM, HD61202 LCD controller and 128x64 LCD as well as the display of graphic Chinese character.
本文主要讨论其中MSP430F149单片微机同HD 61202液晶控制驱动器128x64点阵lcd的接口设计以及图形汉字的显示。
This paper discusses the design of the interfaces among MSP430F149 SCM, HD61202 LCD controller and 128x64 LCD as well as the display of graphic Chinese character.
本文主要讨论其中MSP430F149单片微机同HD 61202液晶控制驱动器128x64点阵lcd的接口设计以及图形汉字的显示。