Based on the analysis of characteristics of explosive field formed by FAE, characteristic equation is fitted with trial data. Then the range of casualty ranking of FAE is deduced (the power range).
Based on the Hamiltonian system's theory, the relationship between closed-loop poles of system characteristic equation and weighting matrices was thoroughly investigated.
The roots of the characteristic equation determine the stability of the system and the general nature of the transient response to any input.
Indirect method can adjust the characteristic line equation in time based on the status of practical process, thus the forming precision can be improved.
Methods of using the D-decomposition curves to judge whether all the roots of the characteristic equation possess a negative real part are also discussed.
By studying the properties of roots for the corresponding characteristic equation, the sufficient conditions under which the equation is stable are given.
The general two-dimensionally periodic dielectric theory is introduced, and the control equation governing the characteristic modes is deduced in detail.
The stiffness matrix corrected by the method not only satisfies the characteristic equation, but also is the unique symmetric positive semidefinite matrix.
The main method is using the properties of the solutions of characteristic matrix equation.
The paper illustrates the conclusions about the multiple root of characteristic equation and characteristic vector which fit symmetric tensor of rank two may unfit unsymmetric tensor.
The ways of founding the characteristic line equation for adaptive incremental bending is feasible to realize numerical control of the bending process.
The natural longitudinal or torsional vibration of a wedge-shaped shaft is studied with perturbation method. The vibration mode function and the frequency characteristic equation are derived.
The parameter identification of joining stiffness of rudder hydraulic servo mechanism can be done by using the direct method of characteristic equation anti problem.
Characteristic equation of a rectangular plate is derived based on its potential energy functional.
The impulse response method is adopted to identify the modal parameters, and the physical parameters are estimated from the characteristic equation of the mathematical model built.
The new method turned the volt-ampere characteristic equation of transmission lines into an integral form, then used least square method to solve the equations and got the zero-sequence parameters.
The structure and the working principle of electronic-hydraulic valve are analysed and the P-I (Pressure-Control current)characteristic equation of electronic-hydraulic valve is derived.
Based on a series of simultaneous electromagnetic field equations contented with the boundary conditions, the characteristic equation of the circular groove guide loaded with dielectric is derived.
This paper discussed the dependence of the characteristic value of characteristic equation on frequency for the given precise characteristic equations of plasma cylindrical waveguides.
In this paper, a successive approximation procedure for calculating eigenvalues of the complex characteristic equation is proposed.
A real factorization method based on evolutionary algorithms is proposed for finding tbe roots of the characteristic equation of a linear time-invariant closed-loop system.
Starting from the integral equation of thermal kinetics, a new characteristic equation of combustion is derived.
The algebraic condition can be represented by the distribution of the roots of the generalized characteristic equation of the ellipse and parabola (hyperbola).
Using the root of the characteristic equation, this paper studies the asymptotic solution of the characteristic equation of the open circular cylindrical thin shells.
Based on the basic characteristic equation, two uncoupled equations for cutoff frequencies were obtained theoretically.
When we solve for the characteristic equation of the system, we assume that there is no force on the right hand side.
Discretization in angular coordinate is needed only and the global equation is a second order characteristic matrix equation.
Furthermore, even if the exact characteristic equation can be obtained, we could not compute the roots of the equation in the demanding precision.
Furthermore, even if the exact characteristic equation can be obtained, we could not compute the roots of the equation in the demanding precision.