A campaign is getting underway in Italy to take back large stretches of the country's beaches from private bathing clubs which usually charge to use them.
The plugin is free of charge to licensed RUP users.
This additional data will be provided free of charge to advertisers.
And it's unclear whether someone will charge to tell me that or will pay to tell me that.
Why, for instance, do water users in a megacity like Lagos not pay an extra charge to get cesspits pumped out?
That history is largely the story of our efforts to honor our founders charge to form a more perfect union.
There may be a charge to cover the cost of handling your refund. This charge will be shown on your refund form.
Looked at another way, it is an attempt by those in charge to embrace a more dynamic economy-an evolutionary change.
Four drugs are registered for the treatment of sleeping sickness and provided free of charge to endemic countries.
Dan Matthews says it can be connected to almost any battery for enough of a charge to clean twelve liters of water.
The voluntary tests began in June and will be offered free of charge to the town's 3, 500 residents until next March.
Instead, the solar wind and the sun's UV radiation give an electric charge to atoms and particles in Mars outer atmosphere.
For example, the industry network connection events are available at no charge to participants in the industry networks.
And the Illinois researchers suspect that this added stability reduces the need for applying an external charge to do the job.
同时L LLionis和他的研究人员猜测,这种后加的稳定性也许可以使这种转化不需要外部电荷。
Together with the Financial Times (part-owner of this newspaper) it has led the charge to demand money for newspapers on the web.
Please note that World Bank documents related to a specific country are available free of charge to citizens of that country.
Read the studio's website for its films before the meeting. Research the producer in charge to discover her likes and dislikes.
At the moment, all accounts are free with an invite code, and future accounts will always be available free of charge to any user.
现在,所有账户都可以通过邀请码“rww ”免费使用。
By the time the Marsh joins the immense Nimrod Glacier, some 35 miles from our camp, the ice is on a rapid charge to the Ross Sea ice Shelf.
The i3′s battery will charge to 80% capacity in one hour with a charging option, otherwise a full charge will require six hours on the plug.
The actual charge to mining companies has fallen by more than half, from about 34% of profits earlier this decade to less than 14% in 2008-09.
Brownfield partner said an employee didn't realize that there was a separate charge to use the fitness club and didn't notice it on the hotel bill.
A Brownfield partner said an employee didn't realize that there was a separate charge to use the fitness club and didn't notice it on the hotel bill.
A display allows the doctor in charge to see the results as they are collected, and the signals are also recorded for subsequent review and analysis.
It works by applying an electrical charge to millions of tiny black particles, causing them to freeze in a pattern of letters or grayscale images.
Like Indonesia, tipping in Malaysia is confined to the pricier Westernized joints, which often add a 10% service charge to your meal or hotel room.
The acidic pH interacts with the hair's slightly negative charge to help the cuticle, the outer layer of the hair, maintain a smooth, flat surface.
The console program and suppliers can call the RPG program with minimal extra code change at the supplier client resulting in no charge to the company.
控制台程序和提供商在提供商客户端上进行小量的代码修改就可以调用RPG 程序。
But nor is it beyond the wit of those in charge to consider water like oil or any other commodity, and to use market mechanisms to match supply and demand.
But nor is it beyond the wit of those in charge to consider water like oil or any other commodity, and to use market mechanisms to match supply and demand.