To make maintaining is the key methods to prolong the machine's usage life, reduce charges and improve the economic benefits. Please note.
Please note: You will be responsible for any additional charges and payment must be made directly to the hotel.
They are mostly available as free for personal use but do note that for some of them, charges do apply for commercial use.
Please note: Educational consultants may charge families an SSAT administration fee. Please check with your educational consultant prior to testing to determine if he/she charges these fees.
You are to contact them through the information as stated below and note that the only fee you are to pay is the Security Charges as every other stable fees has been paid.
Please note that if you choose to dispute these charges with your credit card company or bank, the account that made these charges may become limited and will lose certain functionality.
Please note that if you choose to dispute these charges with your credit card company or bank, the account that made these charges may become limited and will lose certain functionality.