It's much more fun, I think, to chase after butterflies, climb trees, and steal birds' nests.
To seek persistent disequilibrium means that one must chase after disruption without succumbing to it, or retreating from it.
When she had had a good chase after the butterflies, she came panting up to him and said: "Ah!
you need to seek persistent disequilibrium. To seek persistent disequilibrium means that one must chase after disruption without succumbing to it, or retreating from it.
"One piece of advice I give to S.E.O. masters is, don't chase after Google's algorithm, chase after your best interpretation of what users want, because that's what Google's chasing after," he said.
The hound picked up the fox's smell and started to chase after it.
Your ego bribes you: it makes you chase after things you don't need, just so you can feel happy again.
Some men think acting too challenging with women will make them chase after them. However this is too over rated.
It's the right lifestyle for me, and I enjoy getting rid of the non-essentials and having this more relaxed mindset, than always trying to chase after something.
I turned around and started walking faster, being careful not to run as he might chase after.
As we chase after flickering bits of information, it's a salutary warning.
He said he now feared for his life, and believed US intelligence agents would chase after him.
Your rulers are rebels, companions of thieves; they all love bribes and chase after gifts.
The sky became completely empty. Our river thought that life was not worth living, for there were no longer any clouds to chase after.
In Japan, if you leave a couple of COINS on the table, the waiter may chase after you to return your forgotten change.
“We don't want to chase after ‘fast-fashion’ trends,” explains Mr Yanai.
“We don’t want to chase after ‘fast-fashion’ trends, ” explains Mr Yanai.
Taking classes is certainly a cost, but if it puts you in the right place to really chase after your dreams, the cost isn't really that great after all.
I still see the guy once in awhile on the road, but I don't have the energy to do a U-turn and chase after him.
Chaparejos, or chaps, served a valuable purpose when a cowboy had to chase after a steer into a patch of thorny mesquite.
New York City author, social media consultant and mom Tamar Weinberg says, "people disagree with the concept of badges, but I think it's fun to chase after new opportunity &status."
已为人母的纽约市作家、社交媒体顾问塔玛‧温伯格(Tamar Weinberg)说:“大家不认同”徽章“的概念,但我觉得追逐新的机会和状态很有意思。”
Two months ago, on a wooded path in upstate New York, a psychologist named Chris Chabris strapped a video camera to a 20-year-old man and told him to chase after a jogger making his way down the path.
If you want to do something, just do it. Chase after your dreams fearlessly. Remember, diligence redeems stupidity. Hard working and persistent will perform miracles.
Most of us are wasting time, effort and money to chase after something, which is not our needs.
Imagine this, if you're sick, all you can do is to stay in bed and do nothing at all, how can you chase after your dreams?
If you chase after wealth so desperately that you have your family fall apart. What is the purpose and meaning of your life then?
If you chase after wealth so desperately that you have your family fall apart. What is the purpose and meaning of your life then?