What happened to the cosy dinner when you both got home from work and the chat about your day?
IMing a friend: If changing an im status seems too impersonal, then just im your friends the link. You can then have a fun chat about the blog post.
If you ask about overlapping iterations in one of our chat forums, most IBM Rational consultants will tell you that this is not recommended by the RUP.
While he was roaming about on the net, a stranger asked him through QQ, “May I chat with you?”
If you walk into any crowded machine room, chances are you'll catch chit-chat about "shebangs," slashes, dot-dots, root, pipes, ports, and dash-dash this and that.
If you're not savvy technologically, getting your kids to show you how to use the Internet or chat rooms is a good way to lead into a discussion about boundaries.
I just heard about your ideas on employee motivation and I wanted chat with you about a few things going on in my department.
You know what I think, think about when you are boring and you chat, or let me in your life, there are two people in that time.
Hopefully, what I have given you here is a good starting point for your own implementation of a chat system within your application. Here are some ideas about where to go next.
If you were going to kill me, you would have done it when you first disarmed me, you would not have stopped for this pleasant chat about ways and means.
Benji, I really hope that we could chat about our dreams someday in the future, please inform me before you take a trip to WuHan again.
Mike: steve you and I need to have a serious chat about using the company expense account !
But bear in mind that there must be a special thing and professors to talk about, or a professor will not have time to chat with you in the.
You can chat here about the best Naruto characters, episodes and anything else you want to talk about.
Mr. Jones: Really, nothing big. I just heard about your ideas on employee motivation and I wanted chat with you about a few things going on in my department.
If something is bothering you, talk about it. Call a friend or relative. A long chat is great way to feel better fast.
A deep, commanding voice. Your voice says a lot about you, literally. The next time you strike up a chat with a woman, don't sound squeaky.
There are times in office that you take a break and plan a vacation with travel agent or have a chat with your colleague about your child.
You can find out a lot about a person when you chat about a favorite movie. Follow it up with specific questions, such as scene stealers and actors in the flick.
Instead you have lunch with the purchasing head the next day and chat about the weather.
Whereass the list above is more about phrases that will help you get to know somebody, this list is more about chat up lines which you would be more likely to use on a night out at a bar or club.
鉴于上面的例子大多都是帮助你了解某人的句子,那么下面的例子大多都是搭讪语,你更加可能在酒吧或俱乐部的夜晚使用。 。
A smarter company will chat with you, answer your questions about the job, and then ask, "Would you mind filling out our questionnaire, as the next step in the process?"
You can chat with me for about twenty minutes now! You expression was very fluent and your mind was so clear.
You wanted a chat about housing loans?
If you can stand a little noise now, listen to Ella and Marni chat about silence.
If you can stand a little noise now, listen to Ella and Marni chat about silence.