After adding all the hosts, the host list window appears with a check mark beside each host to confirm it has been validated, as shown in Figure 16.
You could mark the fields transient, but the class would still have to explicitly produce code to check whether a field was initialized every time a method accessed it.
Older Japanese regard post offices, which play a social function (postmen check up on old people, for example, and pick up their prescriptions), as a mark of civilisation.
The SideNote object has the ability to set the text for a check mark and see if the option was checked when the user closed it.
The check mark images will say checked:, while the blank place-holder images will say Not checked:.
选择标记图像将显示checked:,而保留为空白的图像将显示Not checked:。
Connect the first data flow operator to the second using the green check mark in the upper right corner to make a conditional connection.
A green check mark indicates that the named patch was applied successfully and is now live in your running kernel.
In the breakpoints view, enabled breakpoints have a check-mark beside them, and breakpoints can be enabled and disabled by toggling that check-box.
In addition to the check mark symbols in the far left margin, there are small triangles in a column to the right of these.
As the tasks are completed, activity members can check off the to-do items that help to mark the progress of the project.
Figure 14 shows that you can either select the report type from the drop-down box or manually check mark the required reports available below.
Given that time limitation, I advice students to skim and scan, mark the keywords, read the questions then check them out.
With our free time, we had to read two books each from the Detroit Public Library and submit to her written book reports. She would mark them up with check marks and highlights.
Similarly, assume that Mark accepts the proposed new time, but before he reschedules the meeting, he can click Check schedule to view the free times for all his key individuals (see figure 5).
If you're already running Jing, you can check for the update by going to Settings and then clicking on Help (the question mark button). Then click "check for update."
Check out Mark Pilgrim's excellent rundown on how to add offline support to your apps if you want to start using this feature.
如果你对HTML5的离线存储功能感兴趣,可以看一看MarkPilgrim的howtoadd offlinesupport toyourapps一文。
When I look at the build messages, I see a happy green check mark from Code Sign.
After you set a printer as the default printer, a check mark appears next to the printer icon.
His Twitter page bore the blue check-mark icon used to verify the identifies of famous people who use the service.
Clear the tick or check mark on the box beside the Use User Account Control (UAC) to help protect your computer option.
The key to the success of things like the key to unlock the same reason, if you can not accurately check mark, then we can not open the door to success.
Bring guest laundry to floor pantry and check its quantity and possible damage of clothes. Mark note on the Laundry Sheet if any.
Ask participants to select eight items for the list below that they feel inspire them to do their best jobs. Have them put a check mark on the line to the left of those statements.
Please place a check mark next to the values that feel right for you. Or as mentioned, come up with your own.
Indicate by a check mark whether the registrant has filed all reports required.
If you see a check mark next to the printer icon, the printer is your default printer.
Objective To Study sensitive mark of biochemistry of bone metabolize of The Endemic Fluorosis by epidemiology examine and lab check up in high fluorine area of drinking water.
If you have a test list that contains three tests, and you check two of them, the check-mark for that test list will become dimmed, which indicates the indeterminate state.
Drag to add an editable selection shape that can be configured as a check mark or a cross.
Drag to add an editable selection shape that can be configured as a check mark or a cross.