Passengers who used city check-in service are also required to board the ship before gate close time.
The inclusion of three of the most popular check-in services comes as some surprise, given that many in the tech press had assumed the Facebook check-in service would directly compete with them.
In this case, the service requester only needs to check the template XML document of service description to see if there are any new requirements for the invocation.
Being able to access my mail account and check my new voice mails while watching the evening news, without having to sign in for each service, is essential in terms of usability.
You will see an error indicating that the service failed to check the given username and password in the user registry.
Last month it introduced a service called places that encourages people to "check in" at places they visit and broadcast their location to friends.
You know that you don't need a computer dedicated to your email service in order to check in or send messages.
In passive checking, Nagios does not spawn plug-ins to check status, but separate applications send status updates to Nagios periodically or when a state of a service has changed.
For each name in the list of equivalent service names, check the Classic Registry for a match.
In order to deploy multiple instances of the credit check Web service, the following software needs to be available.
To check the performance of a Web service SIMM, you need to develop in the following order.
The previously described scenario results in a set of incompatible changes that requires that the major version number of the Policy Check service contract be incremented from 1.0 to 2.0.
If you do, check the port number by expanding Web Service Ports in your module and opening the code in the WSDL editor.
To check whether or not there is any cache policy files, click cache Policies link in the left navigation, you can see, there is one policy template with web service type (Figure 21).
Using Classic Registry component, check if a service description with the exact input name of the service exists in the Classic Registry.
使用ClassicRegistry组件,检查一个有精确服务输入名称的服务描述是否存在于 Classic Registry 之中。
In the previous step, when you created the EJB Web service, you selected the Generate a sample check box in the wizard.
在上一步中,当您创建e JBWeb服务时,您选择了向导中的Generateasample复选框。
The first part handles the checking in and checking out of a logical attachment using the claim check service, while the second part performs the same function for a physical attachment.
第一部分使用 ClaimCheck服务处理逻辑附件的签入和签出,而第二部分为物理附件执行同样的功能。
Then the server must check if the input variables are qualified, then invoke the corresponding service and function, get the result and put the result in a cache or queue.
A service might be a business function, such as check customer credit, or it might be a system capability, such as log in user.
Check the system log for the status messages of our service implementations as shown in Figure 15.
This check-in space now includes “a combination of check-in islands [sounds exotic] with self-service kiosks and full-service counters, ” the airline says.
When the patient arrives at a medical facility, the doctor in charge uses the service bus to check the patient's allergy history from an application running on the patient's cell phone.
Therefore, invoking the Claim Check service in the export and import through the custom data handler is a good design.
The data handler detaches the logical attachment from the Order data object and calls the Claim check service to check in the logical attachment.
In the service process, a number of special services are required for a certain tool, to the customer before moving to check whether these items have been fully prepared.
For instance, in the Windows 2000 operating system, the ClipBook service allows anyone who connects to the Internet check your clip board.
例如,Windows 2000操作系统中,剪贴簿服务允许任何已连接到互联网的用户查看你的剪贴板。
Therefore, we have chosen to invoke the Claim Check service directly from the mediations in Figure 3.
The product is not unlike the popular Foursquare location-based service, and lets you “check-in” at a place and send a notification to your friends who are nearby.
When a caller needs to check in an attachment, it invokes the Claim check service, passing in a data object of type ClaimCheckObject.
This year was a turning point for GetGlue, the service where users "check in" to watching TV shows, reading books, listening to music and more.