By the way, I'd like to tell you that the check-out time is 12:00 noon, sir.
The check-out time can be extended for one hour later and some member points, etc.
The check-out time is 12 at noon, but we can still keep baggage for you after you check out.
A: Can I stay in my room a few hours past check-out time? You see my plane doesn't go until 5:30.
Room floor in 5. Check-out time is 12 o 'clock tomorrow before, the card room directly get your deposit back down!
The hotel day usually starts at 6:00am, however, occupancy of rooms by arriving guests may not be possible until after the established check-out time.
Check-out time is 14:00 pm and 19:30 in the afternoon if the whole day at Check-Out Billing, if we need to extend the stay time, go to the reception office of the Taiwan continued to live procedures.
Take some time to check out the buildings where your classes will be held.
If you check these characters first, you can filter out a lot of the chaff and save time by parsing only the most likely candidates.
The first problem, experienced by all users of the system, was the time required to check out or export the binaries.
In case you think that the time you'll spend on a project scales with the time you have available, you might want to check out my piece on how time crunching prevents your best creative work.
Regularly check out sites like TripAdvisor and take the time to respond to positive and negative reviews.
They already know that their story won't check out if you have enough time to analyze it.
When you arrive at your destination, check out the fitness facilities at your hotel or a nearby health club — then schedule time for a travel workout.
Our CI server checks out a clean build and runs test cases from scratch each time I check in a new change.
If you have friends in law enforcement or private investigation, it might not hurt to have them check out the person ahead of time...
Find the time to check out your surroundings, talk to neighbors, watch the sky, sit with a pet, water the garden by hand, or watch your kids play in the dirt by themselves.
Potential new developers could check out the code at any time, but if it won't build, they are likely to be dissuaded from contributing.
If you have time, I want you to check out a remarkable blog I've been reading by Eric Heins.
Compared to other version control systems, CVS is most notable for its non-locking repository, which allows multiple developers to check out the same file at the same time.
If you are not familiar with any them, then this is good time to check them out and see if their features and functions are what you need to enhance your web surfing experience.
Basic cash registers - and really, cash itself - are analog dinosaurs in the digital jungle of financial transactions. It's time for them to check out.
Users can take out a book for however long they like, but they'll only be able to check out one title at a time, and then only one title a month.
So the next time you’re curious about fine-tuning your browser privacy settings, check out the privacy settings in your browser’s Options or Preferences menu.
Finally, guests can check-out from their mobile device at any time, even once they have left the property, settling outstanding charges via secure payment systems.
But before you load up on the snacks that brings the calories along with the feel-goods, check out what should you be eating instead the next time you are hit with a case of the blues.
But before you load up on the snacks that brings the calories along with the feel-goods, check out what should you be eating instead the next time you are hit with a case of the blues.