Through check computation on part of the data about the burst in Huainan mining district, the reliability of the prediction is tested and verified.
Using the regression analysis method, it makes check computation of the mine shaft discharge, and establishes empirical equation for the deep mine shaft discharge.
This paper introduced the feasibility of industrial turbine being transformed into experimental electric one was tested by thermal check computation and experiments.
In fact, if you like, you can check names by regular expression or by other computation.
I can check it, so if this was part of some other computation, I want to know, did it find a perfect square or not?
The recipient can ask the Future to block until a result is ready, poll to see whether it's complete, cancel the computation, or check whether another thread has canceled it.
The reserve computation method to be chosen generally should be simple, practical and convenient to check, with results accurate.
This article analyzed in detail the check theory and computation process of 408ul FDU.
Calculation example shows that fatigue check and computation of steel truss bridge becomes simpler and more convenient by employing approximate formula.
There are mainly three modules in it: the computation and check module, the database module and the drawing module.
The research ideas as well as (approaches) have provided useful reference of multiple-line coefficient for fatigue check and computation of four-line and multiple-line steel truss bridge.
Strength evaluation of concrete check and accept group should be figured out in terms of structure checking computation and remedy when needed.
Methods are provided to check if the computation is complete, to wait for its completion, and to retrieve the result of the computation.
Review and check sales contract, recognize the sales. Project cash inflow follow up. Computation of commission and consulting fee.
A set of method and formula for the computation of calendar first D check, calendar time since overhaul and total calendar life is presented by using tests data.
建立了一套由试验数据估算日历首翻期、日历翻修间隔、日历总寿命的方法和公式 ;提出了由使用中真实的腐蚀损伤数据来估算日历首翻期的方法 ;
A set of method and formula for the computation of calendar first D check, calendar time since overhaul and total calendar life is presented by using tests data.
建立了一套由试验数据估算日历首翻期、日历翻修间隔、日历总寿命的方法和公式 ;提出了由使用中真实的腐蚀损伤数据来估算日历首翻期的方法 ;