A simple search form (see Figure 1) contains a required text field, two check boxes, and a drop-down list.
Form elements can include radio buttons, check boxes, text areas, text fields, and list boxes.
表单元素可包括单选按钮(radio button)、复选框(check box)、文本区域(text area)、文本域(text field)和列表框(list box)。
Add a listener for the button, and then put the check boxes in the clearable list.
You can, however, remove the provider entirely or, in the Research options dialog, clear the check boxes you want so those particular services aren't visible in the search for list.
Make a list, place boxes next to each item, and check off the boxes as you move through the list.
Some of them are put into tables, while others are just a list of check boxes.
Some of them are put into tables, while others are just a list of check boxes.