And once she's there her parents check up on her periodically.
Did their parents check up on their whereabouts and set curfews?
Maria: Steven, did you check up on Patricia Woo before you hired her?
I already told you, I've been sent by the Master to check up on you.
Yeah, and I've got to check up on the latest football... I mean share prices.
I'm going to check up on this last piece of data before submitting my proposal.
YY had her annual check up on the day of birthday as well. Oh, and vaccine injection.
Don't forget to check up on my brothers blog, he has posted some of our new work recently.
"I'm so glad you are okay," he said. "I called your parents every night to check up on you."
So we should check up on this to our family members or whomever that is beloved and dear to us.
As a practitioner, one should always check up on one's own faults and keep silent all the time.
My husband and I both keep a detailed budget and check up on it periodically to accommodate new changes.
The planning and land administrative departments shall regularly check up on the temporary use of reserved land lots.
While Sun Bo is studying away from home, volunteers often come to check up on his father, who now lives alone in a tent.
My conscious goal is to fall asleep, which then causes my unconscious to continually check up on whether or not I'm achieving my goal.
Mr Cheese warns: "If you have to check up on employees all the time, then you probably have bigger issues than just productivity."
If you know any shufflers in your area that are willing to teach you and periodically check up on you, ask them for help with the basics!
Many nursing mothers hide their breast pumps. Others pretend to be working when they make calls to find a sitter or check up on their kids.
Tiny biology-based computers could eventually check up on te health of individual cells, and, based on what they find, could then treat those cells.
Tiny biology-based computers could eventually check up on the health of individual cells, and, based on what they find, could then treat those cells.
Hello, you open the hospital to document these tests are the reasons to check up on you after you give the file, and as a reference after the inspection.
Article 29. State organs and units shall conduct education among their personnel in the need to guard secrets and check up on secret-guarding work regularly.
I haven't stopped in to see if my favorite teachers are still around, donated to the scholarship fund, or logged onto to check up on the old gang.
Even grandparents are joining the forums and finding that they are often the best way to check up on their families, who can be too busy to actually meet up in person.
Article 18 the People's Bank of China has the authority, within the scope provided for in these Regulations, to supervise and check up on units using gold and silver.
Article 18 the People's Bank of China has the authority, within the scope provided for in these Regulations, to supervise and check up on units using gold and silver.