Heating this chemical compound drives off carbon dioxide gas, leaving calcium oxide.
The chemical compound, ethanol, has risen in recent years as the most viable alternative to fossil fuels.
On the other hand, I once worked on a project that involved software that did chemical graphing and chemical compound analysis.
The nests in question here are produced by a variety of Swifts, specifically Cave Swifts who produce the nest by spitting a chemical compound that hardens in the air.
Benzene, a chemical compound refined from crude oil, was found to cause leukemia in 1928 by two Italian doctors who detected the cancer in a worker exposed to benzene for five years.
The most frequently detected chemical compound is water (HOH) with oxygen (o) as one of its atoms.
A compound found in some dry chemical fire extinguishers, MAP melts at 374 degrees Fahrenheit.
The researchers are currently investigating a new chemical compound which blocks an enzyme -- 11beta-HSD1 -- that is involved in producing stress hormones within cells.
研究人员目前正在研发一种新型化学物,可以阻止酶--11beta-HSD1 -- 生成,这种酶辅助细胞产生应激激素。
Triclosan is a chemical compound widely used in products such as antibacterial soaps, toothpaste, pens, diaper bags and medical devices.
Could it be that Oscar simply smelled an elevated level of a chemical compound released prior to death?
It is often inconvenient if you have to type in long strings in an input field (for example, if you are typing a long chemical compound name or an address).
Using the enzyme sarcosine oxidase on the samples produced the chemical compound formaldehyde. Through oxidation, the formaldehyde in turn produced formic acid.
The scientists also tested the treatment on laboratory mice with sleeping sickness. They gave them the chemical compound by mouth and say the infection disappeared.
An antioxidant is a chemical compound or substance that inhibits oxidation.
The researchers are looking at a new chemical compound which blocks an enzyme, known as 11beta-hsd1, which helps produce stress hormones within cells.
研究人员在关注一种新的化合物11beta -HSD1,它能阻碍一种酶,可以帮助细胞产生应激激素。
The chemical compound DHMO is "colorless, odorless, and kills thousands of people every year" through "accidental inhalation, " reads a widely circulated e-mail, calling for a ban.
A drug can be defined as a chemical compound, natural or human created, which when ingested, injected or inhaled, has the ability to alter the chemical balance of the body.
Salt: Chemical compound formed when the hydrogen of an acid is replaced by a metal or its equivalent, such as ammonium (NH4).
Carbohydrate - Chemical compound of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen, usually with the hydrogen and oxygen in the right proportions to form water.
Decomposition of a chemical compound by reaction with water, such as the dissociation of a dissolved salt or the catalytic conversion of starch to glucose.
Melamine is a chemical compound commonly used in the manufacture of resins, plastics and glues.
For chemical compound flooding, it emphasizes the combination among core study, numerical simulation and pilot test, and secondary mechanism study in the view of reservoir engineering.
This chemical compound belongs to the group of porphyries and enables plants to build up complicated hydrocarbons from carbon dioxide and the energy of sunlight.
A new chemical compound, known as ACQ reduces risks.
一种新的化合物,如著名AC Q木材减少风险。
Bleach: Solid or liquid chemical compound used to whiten or remove the natural colour of fibres, yarns, paper, and textile fabrics.
The chemical compound found in red wine is to be used in a pill developed by scientists to help stop cancer, it has emerged.
An antioxidant is a chemical compound or substance that inhibits oxidation.
An antioxidant is a chemical compound or substance that inhibits oxidation.