The results of research on quantum chemical study for corrosion inhibitors were reviewed.
Without the participation of the emotion factor, the chemical study activity would neither happen nor maintain.
Evaluation of the chemical study, male and female teachers are the same, all with 2 (duplication or appreciation), 3 (use of student answers), but mainly 2.
Ocean scientists study the chemical make-up of the ocean, weather patterns, the geography of the ocean floor, and many other areas.
This paper summarizes the recent progress in the study on chemical ecology of tritrophic interactions.
The objective was to study the chemical constituents in the root bark of Paeonia suffruticosa Andr.
The study is the first on humans to track how substances in tobacco cause DNA damage, and appears in the peer-reviewed journal Chemical Research in Toxicology, issued by the American Chemical Society.
They could also allow scientists to study chemical reactions at the single-molecule level.
Some mosquitoes can no longer sense the popular chemical, study says.
Their study, published in the journal Science, revealed the chemical fingerprint of pigments that once tinted the ancient bird's feathers.
Spicy food flavoured with hot chilli peppers contains a natural chemical ingredient that may lower blood pressure, according to a study on a strain of laboratory rats with hypertension.
In those brief moments, the light from the star would flow through the planet's atmosphere, allowing astronomers to study the wavelengths produced and infer the atmosphere's chemical composition.
There are traces of the worrisome chemical BPA in a wide variety of canned foods from supermarket shelves, found a new study.
一项新的研究发现,超市货架上的各种罐头食品中都存在着令人十分担忧的化学物质- BPA的踪迹。
Just last week, a study in Environmental Health Perspectives found disturbingly high levels of a flame-retardant chemical in a sample of butter.
In the new study, Fischer and his colleagues found that these chemical decorations were responsible for the old mice's inability to remember.
ANSA's basic premise is that the analysis of computer systems should be treated with the same rigor as the study of physical or chemical systems.
Now a study in the journal Chemical Research in Toxicology indicates that mercury fillings actually lose their toxic potential over time.
The study used an experimental model of brain damage, in which mice are exposed to a chemical that destroys the hippocampus, an area of the brain which controls learning and memory.
Lucky for archaeologists, the chemical make-up of a bog preserves human flesh very well, allowing them to study the unlucky bog bodies closely.
The young Faludywas packed off to Viennato study chemical engineering.
The researchers, whose latest study is published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society, say there are a number of ways their spheres could be employed.
In the pure sense, molecular gastronomy is the scientific study of the chemical and physical processes that accompany cooking.
In order to understand the source and mechanism of this quality, a study was conducted to look into the chemical nature of roasted coffee, with respect to its antioxidant properties.
And if any seem habitable, scientists will study the chemical content of their atmospheres for the hallmarks of biology.
Risk takers behave the way they do because their brains are less able to process dopamine, a chemical which transmits messages of pleasure, a study by Vanderbilt University showed.
A new study of several leading brands of kids' canned foods has found various levels of bisphenol a (BPA), an estrogenic chemical that has been linked to breast cancer, in 12 cans tested.
Dow Chemical Co. has partnered with Chinese energy company Shenhua Group Corp. to study a project to convert coal into plastics.
陶氏化学公司(Dow Chemical Co .)与中国能源企业神华集团有限责任公司(Shen Hua GroupCorp .)合作开展了“煤变塑料”研究。
According to the study agriculture is responsible for 43.7% of the nation's chemical oxygen demand (the main measure of organic compounds in water) 67% of phosphorus and 57% of nitrogen discharges.
The findings bolster the idea that humans do communicate via subconscious chemical signals, notes Chen in her study, which was published in the Dec. 31 issue of the Journal of Neuroscience.
According to the study, agriculture is responsible for 43.7% of the nation's chemical oxygen demand (the main measure of organic compounds in water), 67% of phosphorus and 57% of nitrogen discharges.