In addition to cash, the bid deposit may be provided in the form of a bank letter of guarantee issued by a bank, certified cheque, bank draft or money order.
Cheque or Money Order should be made payable to Simon Fraser University and forwarded to Simon Fraser University, Residence Administration Building a, 8888 University Drive, Burnaby, BC V5A 1s6.
See be chapter having a lot, if signed an order, to bank check good, dud cheque is not when turning nevertheless good.
Then you should write a cheque to yourself by putting your name next to "pay to the order of".
那么您只要给自己开一张 支票,在 收款人边上写上您自己的姓名就行了。
Then you should write a cheque to yourself by putting your name next to "pay to the order of".
那么您只要给自己开一张 支票,在 收款人边上写上您自己的姓名就行了。