To his consternation, he realized that he had left his chequebook at home.
On April 2nd, however, the Supreme Court ruled that he can get his chequebook out again.
Some will allow you to have an extra borrowing facility with a chequebook to be used at your leisure.
Wenger has often been prudent with his funds and he feels Chelsea paid too much, but would rather have seen them keep the chequebook closed.
Thomson later admitted, in perhaps an early example of "chequebook journalism", that he had paid the woman "handsomely" to expose her withered foot.
New customers will be able to get their account, chequebook, debit and credit CARDS within 15 minutes, and all the data for each customer will be kept in one place.
New customers will be able to get their account, chequebook, debit and credit CARDS within 15 minutes, and all the data for each customer will be kept in one place.