They are late, chew gum, talk to deskmates and have to be reprimanded and sent to the headteacher who is also a senior pupil.
So you can think about this like trying to talk and chew gum and whistle at the same time.
And be sure not to slouch or chew gum or smoke while you're waiting for your interview.
Freud USES it as an explanation for why somebody might eat too much or chew gum or smoke.
This also implies there are people whose job it is to chew gum and breathe in people's faces.
Before you go into an interview, pop a Tic Tac or a Mentos for fresh breath, but do not chew gum.
If you chew gum, stop — the habitual chewing action can make it more likely you'll grind your teeth at night.
Bavarian primary school is encouraging pupils to chew gum in class in an attempt to improve their grades.
In Germany, it is impolite to cross your arm over people who are shaking hands, as well as chew gum in public.
Dr. Bell says he has patients who chew gum to help soothe acid reflux, though he doesn't generally recommend it.
Chew gum when you're approaching a situation that would make you nervous, like public speaking or bungee jumping.
Don't cuss, chew gum, burp, take off your shoes, forget to shower or do anything else that's not appropriate in a business setting.
Change your schedule to avoid circumstances in which you usually smoke. Walk around the block or chew gum when you would normally be smoking.
Teachers usually behave badly, they are late, chew gum, talk to deskmates and have to be reprimanded and sent to the headteacher who is also a senior pupil.
Teachers usually behave badly, they are late, chew gum, talk to deskmates and have to be reprimanded and sent to the head teacher who is also a senior pupil.
Talk to yourself. Watch comedy. Spend more time with friends. Be compassionate. Stand up straight. Meditate. Garden. Chew gum. Nap. Spend time in nature.
The elevators started silently and stopped as silently, and the pretty girls who jockeyed them up and down did not chew gum until they were through working for the day.
As for Obama, it is a matter of keeping continuing to chew the nicotine gum.
If you try it, bite or clip off the rind of the nut, then chew it like gum — don't swallow it and be sure to spit out the juice, otherwise you're likely to get sick to your stomach.
Obviously, go for the sugar free gum and pick a flavor (despite it being artificial) that you can tolerate. Toss in a couple sticks of gum and chew away.
Some smokers chew nicotine gum in an effort to quit, but instead of parking a slightly masticated piece between cheek and gum, they chomp the little squares like a wad of Bazooka.
On both days, some of the subjects were then randomly selected to chew sugar-free gum for half an hour after the meal.
After food, rinse your mouth out with water or chew sugar-free gum to encourage saliva, which neutralises the acid.
When you have a craving for a cigarette, suck on a lollipop or chew some gum.
For years, smokers have been exhorted to take the initiative and quit: use a nicotine patch, chew nicotine gum, take a prescription medication that can help, call a help line, just say no.
If you need some extra stress relief, chew some gum, find a puppy to spend some time with, or channel your inner Brit with a hot cup of tea.
So chew some gum, hum, or eat lunch while reading and you may find yourself going through a ton of reading material like never before.
To begin with, chew one piece of gum whenever you have the urge to smoke (you should start with between 8 and 12 pieces a day). Do not exceed 20 gums in one day.
To begin with, chew one piece of gum whenever you have the urge to smoke (you should start with between 8 and 12 pieces a day). Do not exceed 20 gums in one day.