“In 2006, Second Life seemed like the place we could get the most immersion, ” said Electric Sheep chief operating officer Giff Constable in a telephone interview.
In a statement, the PPS said their director and Chief Constable Matt Baggott would consider the report to determine the nature and extent of any police investigations.
Assistant Chief Constable Terry Sweeney said: "A handful of shops have been attacked by groups of youths who have congregated and seem intent on committing disorder.
The chief Constable applied for an order of mandamus directing the justices to rehear the case.
Charles Pollard, the chief constable of Thames Valley in Britain, calls zero-tolerance policing a short-term cure that works well in urban areas with large amounts of petty crime.
Charles Pollard, the chief constable of Thames Valley in Britain, calls zero-tolerance policing a short-term cure that works well in urban areas with large amounts of petty crime.