He doesn't have the means to support a wife and child.
For a young wife, a dog is her child when she does not have her own.
The male only child expects his wife to make life easier without getting much in return.
Then addressing himself to his son, he said, "I believe you, son, to be so dutiful a child, that you will not refuse Morgiana for your wife.
And in a flash I thought that if I was not a monk, I would have a wife and a child like that.
I moved back to Japan after a year, when my wife became pregnant with our second child.
But later she meets the father on the train: he has abandoned his beloved daughter to strangers because his wife is expecting another child and the family cannot hide more than one.
The wife decides the delicate question of who is the father of a child, and her word in this matter is law.
In school we learn about the atrocities slaves endured on Southern plantations, and the sorrow they faced when a husband was separated from a wife, or a mother from a child.
He and his wife, already parents of a child with cystic fibrosis, had gotten word that their second baby, due later this year, would almost certainly have Down syndrome.
While on Bermuda, John Rolfe's wife had given birth to a daughter who was christened Bermuda, but the child died there.
To your wife, child, siblings, parents, a friend or a retired colleague. A 5 minute keep-in-touch call will lift your spirits for hours and reinvigorate you to get your work done.
When my wife became pregnant with our first child, I found myself longing for my old running buddies in New York City.
Those who work in child protection - my wife among them - abhor intervening unnecessarily in family life.
His mother hated his wife, and they took turns crying, and the child cried, too, and now on top of all this he had been assigned exclusively night shifts.
Because Paul Begala's wife, Diane, was expecting their first child, he couldn't come to Little Rock full-time, so reluctantly, I gave up George Stephanopoulos from the campaign plane.
HanHan:I don't care, and I hope my wife and child will be my fans. I never live for others and I look at the person living in the guidence of others' thoughts as weak.
Hard by a great forest dwelt a wood-cutter with his wife, who had an only child, a little girl three years old.
And what lies ahead for another celebrity rabbit, soccer star David Beckham, who recently announced that he and ex-Spice Girl wife Victoria are expecting their fourth child?
Ten days later, Sean Savage got a call from a doctor saying his wife was pregnant with someone else's child.
As he is accompanied by his wife and child, I hope all of us will help any way we can.
He has left his family and come 800 miles to take this job, leaving his wife to give birth alone to their third child.
Mrs. Dodd wanted a special day to honor her father William, whose wife died while giving birth to their sixth child.
He is about to put the child in a play pen when his wife suggests that it might make more sense to put the tree in the play pen and leave the child outside.
We interviewed almost 300 people and found that of those people, two thirds had lost a family member, whether that be a parent or a husband or a wife, or indeed a child," said Graham.
Peter was the first child of his father's second wife and thus a potential threat to the ambition of the relatives of the first wife.
The racer left court shortly before lunch to return to Bristol, where his wife Georgina has just given birth to their third child - a boy called Cassius.
The racer left court shortly before lunch to return to Bristol, where his wife Georgina has just given birth to their third child - a boy called Cassius.