And now Mr Abbott's frustrated colleagues seem to be trying the "gender card" : highlighting Ms Gillard's status as an unmarried, childless woman (and an atheist, to boot).
She could see the suspicion in the other women's eyes: she, a childless woman whose husband was enjoying a round of golf with their husbands-what urgency could she have but a secret love affair?
Another woman in the cafe interrupts. She tells me she is 32, childless, and works four hours a week.
MARY delany-aristocrat, gardener, prodigious letter-writer, woman of fashion and friend to George Frideric Handel, Jonathan Swift and King George III, died childless more than 220 years ago.
Siemens is the only one ofthe top 30 German companies with a woman on its eight-person management board:Barbara Kux, 55, who is unmarried and childless.
西门子公司的八名董事会成员中有一名女性,这在德国排名前30位的公司里仅此一家。 而这名唯一的女董事:杜裴然(Barbara Kux)现年55岁,尚未结婚,也没有孩子。
Siemens is the only one ofthe top 30 German companies with a woman on its eight-person management board:Barbara Kux, 55, who is unmarried and childless.
西门子公司的八名董事会成员中有一名女性,这在德国排名前30位的公司里仅此一家。 而这名唯一的女董事:杜裴然(Barbara Kux)现年55岁,尚未结婚,也没有孩子。