Jiao Mingming, a psychiatrist at the China-Japan Friendship Hospital in Beijing, said couples that feel they are in a "cold war" should seek counseling as soon as possible.
Hu, a doctor who works at the plastic surgery department of China-Japan Friendship Hospital, says it is safer for women above 20 and men above 25 to undergo plastic surgery.
Professor Lin Jiangtao, Respiratory Medicine Dept. of China-Japan Friendship Hospital, said, "Smokers with severe dependence should apply comprehensive habit-breaking methods."
Hu Xiaogen, a doctor who works at the plastic surgery department of China-Japan Friendship Hospital, says it is safer for women above 20 and men above 25 to undergo plastic surgery.
This article introduces two internal routing protocols, RIP2 and OSPF, and designs the network topology architecture of China-Japan friendship hospital according to its network status.
This article introduces two internal routing protocols, RIP2 and OSPF, and designs the network topology architecture of China-Japan friendship hospital according to its network status.