Today, you and I reach out, whether China or the world, you and I embraced, let us give a better life of peace, good sanitary living struggle.
The world was like a plate; paradise was up a mountain, across a sea, perhaps guarded by angels, maybe in China, or Armenia, or Abyssinia, or Mesopotamia.
Such a move would likely give the site a narrower scope than Yahoo has had previously in China or elsewhere in the world, where it operates as a general search and portal site.
Both Citigroup and HSBC have tilted away from the rich world but their direction-consumer or corporate, China or the entire emerging world-remains in the balance.
Over 15 years the situation in no matter China or EU, or even in the entire world, has undergone fundamental changes.
With this donation, does it mean that the World Bank will reduce its assistance or help to China in the future?
Likewise, China is of the view that in the real world, international affairs should be handled with joint efforts of all countries, not to be decided by one or two countries.
There is no conflict of fundamental interests or unsettled major historical issues between China and the EU. We both stand for world multipolarity and cultural diversity.
Many observers have sensed a growing hubris from China in the last year or so, and some in the West have already begun to ponder what it will be like when China rules the world.
But unless the world descends into a double-dip downturn—or China, Latin America’s big new market, sneezes—the region will achieve economic growth of between 4% and 5%.
But unless the world descends into a double-dip downturn—or China, Latin America's big new market, sneezes—the region will achieve economic growth of between 4% and 5%.
We believe it has directly or indirectly impacted nearly every asset price in the world, which is why the market is so jittery about the idea that credit problems in China could unravel.
'in the last four or five years, China has become the most important financier of large DAMS around the world,' says Mr. Bosshard of International Rivers, the environmental group.
The average person needs just 4.74 'hops' to get to anybody in the world, be it a Hollywood star or a peasant living in rural China.
It is seldom that we see such a gigantic project in China or elsewhere in the world.
JV may either sell the products on the world market by itself or entrust foreign sales agencies or foreign trade companies in China to sell on commission.
JV may either sell the products on the world market by itself or entrust foreign sales agencies or foreign trade companies in China to sell on commission.